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To enjoy the tropical weather and have a nice holiday

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Q: Why did British people come to Hawaii?
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Which British explorer came to Hawaii?

James Cook

Where did the British originated from?

The original British were Celtic, and lived in Britain for thousands of years. Saxons from Germany and Denmark invaded Britain, and these are the people most British people are descended from. Because of the British Empire, many different people from all over the world have come to Britain, and so being British can mean many different things. Countries that many British people originally come from are Jamaica, Pakistan, Ireland, Nigeria, China and many others.

What were the Hawaiian islands referred to before becoming part of the US?

Hawaii was first explored by people from Polynesia, and for centuries, Polynesian religion and culture dominated the Island. Captain James Cook, a British explorer, came to the Hawaiian Islands in 1778, and gradually British and western ideas began to become part of Hawaii; there was also a brief period of time in the early 1840s when England occupied the islands. But throughout much of its recorded history, Hawaii was an independent monarchy, with its own royal family, and a series of Kings and Queens who ruled.Over the decades of the mid-to-late 1800s, however, it was Americans who came to be the most influential force on the islands: missionaries converted the native people to Christianity and discouraged many of Hawaii's indigenous cultural traditions. And American businesses gradually come to control much of Hawaii's economy, especially its sugarcane and pineapple plantations. America was able to overthrew the Hawaiian monarchy in a peaceful (but controversial) coup, circa 1893. In 1898, Hawaii became a territory of the United States.

People who are British come from which country?

A person who is British is from one of four countries. They can be from England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland. These four countries together make Great Britain. Therefore English people are British and Scottish people are British, but English people are not Scottish.

Which American state has a British union flag as part of its flag?


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No!People from Switzerland are Swiss.The British come from Britain.

When did people first come to Hawaii and why?

Hawaii was a volcano once it erupted it became an island the volcano is still there and it was a beautiful island so people liked it and came to visit or to live you have to fly to get to Hawaii.

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Hawaii is 2 hours ahead of British Columbia. For example, if it is 3:00pm in British Columbia, it would be 5:00pm in Hawaii.

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Where do pinaple come from?

Some people usually says its grown in Hawaii but it is actually located in South America, pineapples were brought to Hawaii in the 1700. They come from regions with tropical climates, and of course they are tropical fruits.

When was Hawaii a British colony?

It was not a British Colony. It was a British protectorate from 1794-1843. Hawaii's King Kamehameha commissioned the current state flag in 1816, which includes the British Union Jack. (Source: