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I found out that Ben Franklin NEVER did fly a kite

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A better question in my opinion, is how can you fly a kite in the rain?

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Franklin was trying to prove that lighting was part of the natural world. The fable that he invented electricity is false.

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Q: Why did Benjamin Franklin fly a kite in a storm?
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How did Benjamin Franklin discoverd electricity?

how Benjamin Franklin discovered electricity Benjamin Franklin used a kite and went out into a storm with a kite and let it fly like any other kite and soon lightning hit it and lightning is a source of electricity

What did Benjamin Franklin do when he was 7?

He flew a kite to find out about eletricity.

How did Benjamin Franklin risk his life for his country?

He almost got electrocuted when he was crazy enough to fly a kite with a key on it in a lightning storm

When did Benjamin Franklin's stormy kite first fly?

In June of 1752.

What did Benjamin Franklin fly druing the thunder strom?

A kite with a key attached to it.

What did people say when Benjamin Franklin went on and on about his theories on electricity?

Go Fly a Kite

What did Benjamin Franklin say about math?

Benjamin Franklin said "What science can there be more noble, more excellent, more useful for men, more admirably high and demonstrative than mathematics." Benjamin Franklin was an American experimenter and statesman.

Who had fly a kite to prive electricity?

Ben Franklin

Can you fly a kite during a storm?

because lightning will strike it

Why did Ben Franklin fly a kite in a thunderstorm?

1740 he asked why not when and iam trying to figure this out myself

Did benjamin franklin get hit by a truck?

If Franklin did indeed fly a kite into a thuderstorm as folklore states, the charge of electricity down the wet twine would not have been enough to seriously shock him. There was a risk of lightning being directed to him, but this would likely have burned up the kite and twine rather than Franklin.

Did kites fly successfully?

the first kites were made by Benjamin Franklin and did not fly successfully.