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it was meant to stand for the colonies it was telling them put your differences aside and work tougher or we will all fail

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Q: Why did Benjamin Franklin draw a snake cut into pieces in Join or Die?
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Who created the join or die phrase?

Benjamin Franklin created the idea for the JOIN or DIE phrase. He also created a picture of a snake clipped into pieces to explain this phrase. Ben Franklin was always coming up with Ideas for things, so it shouldn't surprised you that he created this.

Why did Benjamin Franklin use a snake instead of another animal in the join or die cartoon?

The snake would be familiar e.g."Dont Tread On Me."

When was the join or die snake cartoon drawn?

May 9 , 1754 : The "Join , or Die" political cartoon was created by Benjamin Franklin and published in the Pennsylvania Gazette .

What did Benjamin Franklin mean by the story of the two-headed snake?

you either join him or die (the line in the dirt theory) F A K E

Benjamin Franklin's famous join or die political cartoon was drawn?

It's meaning basically means that the colonies have to join together to defeat the French and the Natives. If they don't, they will be killed by them. The reason why it is a snake is because if the colonies come together, they can be deadly.

Who created join or die?

The "Join , or Die" cartoon was a creation of Benjamin Franklin .

When and where did Benjamin Franklin publish join or die?

Benjamin Franklin first published it in his Pennsylvania Gazette on May 9, 1754.

What was Benjamin Franklin views on government?

Ben Franklin believed that the colonies should join together and become independant.

What American got the French to join the Americans?

Benjamin Franklin.

How do you know that join or die cartoon by Benjamin Franklin represent the different colonies?

You can tell because the different parts of the snake have captions over them (For example: New England = N.E

Who drew a snake cartoon which represented unity and independence?

Benjamin Franklin, in his"Join, or Die" cartoon, which symbolized the need for the colonies of America to stick together to fight against the British Empire.

What caused Benjamin Franklin to join the American Revolution?

Benjamin was held at gun point by a turkey wielding a ak47