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Q: Why did Battle of Getty burg crush Less hopes for a victory in the North?
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The battle at bull run resulted in?

The First Battle of Bull Run in 1861 resulted in a humiliating defeat for the Union Army. The Second Battle of Bull Run in the following year was also a Confederate victory, although not as humiliating for the Union as they retreated in good order, while First Bull Run had been a rout. The First Battle of the Bull Run shattered illusions on both sides of a quick and glorious war. The North was unable to win the battle, but neither was the South able to crush the North and keep them from coming back another day.

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no she didn't actually she had a big crush on Poseidon even if they had a battle for Athens Greeklover44: Athena Can't have a BIG crush on her Uncle that's Disgusting. Poseidon loves her as Niece, by the way He raped Medusa beat that.

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What is the schlietlen plan?

Do you mean the Schlieffen plan? If so, it was a German battle strategy which required German troops to crush the Western Allies (France, Belgium), and then turn their full effort on battling Russia in the East. Unfortunately for Germany the war bogged down on the Western Front, and hopes for a quick victory evaporated.