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I think you meant to ask about WWII, since Japan was on the Allies side (i.e. the side of Britain and Australia ans the USA) in WWI.

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Q: Why did Australia ask US instead of UK for help when japan entered world war 1?
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Why did Australia ask the US for help when Japan entered World War 2 instead of the United Kingdom?

The UK was really involved with the war in Europe; the U.S., after being attacked by Japan could feel a kinship with Australia against a common enemy

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Why Australia had to fight in World War 2?

There was no need to enter the war in Europe as there was no threat to Australia until it actually entered the war. This changed two tears later when Japan invaded South East Asia and captured New Guinea.

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Japan has almost always seen Australia as a friend and an economic partner. Even so, there were times, especially during World War 2 that Australia did not favor Japan.

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Why Australia involved in world war2?

probably because of Japan

Who were Japan's allies during World War 1?

During World War I, Japan entered the conflict soon after it had begun -- and on the side of the Triple Alliance (or, Entente). Thus, its allies were all the members of the Triple Alliance, foremost of which were Great Britain and France.

Would the US have entered World War 2 if Japan had not attacked Pearl Harbor?

Probably not!

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Japan is a "first world" country - the "first world" refers to the industrialized capitalist countries of western Europe, North America, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand.

How did the US help Australia in World War 2 during the invasion by Japan?

Australia was not invaded by Japan. One city was bombed. America used Australia as a base for the reconquest of the South Pacific.

Who were the enemies of Australia in World War 2?

Germany, Italy, Japan