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There are many reasons historians cite for the failure of reconstruction in the post war Confederacy. One reason follows the thread of thought that white southerners had to account for their terrible loss in the war. Accepting the Republican reconstruction plans was a pill they could not swallow. Although they lost the war of combat, the whites in the South pursued their political goals where ever they could. As the nation, meaning the "north" as a whole moved on to prosper with the westward movements, they lost interest in the south, and white supremacists took advantage of this.

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βˆ™ 7y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

It failed because he was too lenient and lacked political acumen. An example of his lenience; former Southerners who held prominent posts in the Confederacy or had more than 20,000 in taxable property, had to petition the president directly for a pardon.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
  • It was hurtful to the poor African Americans who were free.

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Q: Why did Andrew Johnson's reconstruction plan fail?
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