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The Americans had more money than the British.

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Q: Why did Americans win revolution war despite many disadvantages?
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The only war in Europe that probably truly affected North America would be the French Revolution. It stirred chaos in the US as to do we support this or not? Many Americans were pro-revolution, they loved the way the French wanted to be like the US. Yet, many Americans were anti-revolution, fearing the revolution.

The last battle of the Revolution?

You need to state which revolution you are asking about. It might be the French Revolution, or the Russian Revolution, or one of many other revolutions. It might even be the American War of Independence - as a Briton, I forgot the Americans call it the revolution.

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The primary result was loss of jobs due to mechanization.

What were the American values during the great depression?

Americans had many values during the Depression. Americans still valued family and experience despite the poor environment going on outside.

Many Americans believed that could signal the beginning of a communist revolution in America?

strikes and labor problems

Why did many Americans initially welcome news of the french revolution?

They considered the French to be fellow republicans.(novanet)

Who sided with Americans in the revolution?

France, Spain, and many free black people fought for or with the American rebels.

Why did many Americans initially welcome news of French Revolution.?

They considered the French to be fellow republicans.(novanet)

Why did many Americans initially welcome to news of the French revolution?

They considered the French to be fellow republicans.(novanet)