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America joined WWII when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in December 1941.

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Q: Why did America come to the World War 2?
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How does the World War 2 Memorial capture the essence of the World War 2 in America?

it doesnt

What was a homefront in world war 2?


When was America bombed during world war 2?

Throughout World War 2

How many times has America been in war with Germany?

2 times world war 1 and 2

When America Entered World War 2?

December 1941

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What were African nationalists determined to do after World War 2?

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Why did America come into world war 2?

The US joined the war because of the bombing of Pearl Harbour,it had started in Europe

Why did America attack Nagasaki in world war 2?

To try and force the Japanese emperor to surrender so that the second horrid world war could come to an end.

How was America's approach to the world different after World War 2 from is approach to the world after World War 1?

america entered the war after pearl harbor

How does the World War 2 Memorial capture the essence of the World War 2 in America?

it doesnt

What were some problems in America after World War 1?

world war 2

What changes did world war 2 have on America?

the us dollar became international after the world war 2.

What was a homefront in world war 2?


What countries did America face in World war 1?

none America didn't fight until world war 2

How did America entering World War 2 effect the world?

It helped win the war

How did the US entry into world war 2 create a global war?

because japan attacked America causing America to enter world war 2 and i caused a global war because America created the first nuke