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He was trying to unify the peoples of the ex-Persian empire with merging his Macedonianand Greek army with the upper-classes of Persian society. This was however largely symbolic, as he also brought in Greek culture and established many cities after the Greek model to 'civilise' the Persians and other peoples within the empire.

This was fairly successful for a time until the empire began to fall apart after his death. The Hellenisation of the succeeding kingdoms his successors set up was largely confined to a veneer of the urban upper classes.

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He tried to bring in people making obeisance to him. His generals refused.

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Q: Why did Alexander the great adopted Persian customs and added Persians in his army?
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Why do you think Alexander adopted Persian customs included Persians in his army?

It was to make the Persians respect him that he adopted their customs and dress; he wanted them to think he was no different to the rulers they'd had in the past.

When Alexander and his military officers married women of other cultures they .?

adopted the customs of those people

How did Alexander the Great plan to unite his umpire?

Alexander the Great aimed to unite his empire by implementing various strategies. He encouraged the assimilation of different cultures by adopting Persian customs and appointing Persians to key positions. He also used intermarriage between his Greek soldiers and Persian women to foster cultural integration. Additionally, Alexander promoted the use of a common language, Greek, as a unifying force among diverse peoples.

How do you think the Persian policy of tolerance helped the empire grow?

Persian policy of tolerance is acceptance of the people the Persians conquered. Therefore it grew so much because it did not matter if they conquered or not, it wasn't going to change the people's lifestyle in any way. They respected the customs of the diverse groups in their empire. EXAMPLE: the culture they conquered would not have to change their religious views.

Why was Alexander so friendly to the Persians after he defeated them?

In 336 BC Alexander set out with around 37,000 soldiers to build his empire. First they crossed the river Danube to fortify the northern frontier. Then they negotiated the strait at Hellespont (a narrow strait between the Aegean and Marmara seas) with the intention of taking control of Persia. The army marched towards Babylon, fighting along the way, until encountering the forces of Darius III at Issus (modern day Syria). Even though the Macedonians were heavily outnumbered they routed the Persian army after a fake retreat ordered by tactician Alexander. Darius and his men fled for their lives, but left behind a vast wealth, including his own wife and mother. One might expect Alexander to have them killed for being in league with the enemy. Instead he treated them with care, compassion and respect. This was the beginning of Alexander's attempts to integrate Persian and European lifestyles and customs, a move that the majority of his army resented.

Related questions

Why do you think Alexander adopted Persian customs included Persians in his army?

It was to make the Persians respect him that he adopted their customs and dress; he wanted them to think he was no different to the rulers they'd had in the past.

Why did Alexander get visitors in his tent?

He was respecting persian customs persians would do that

Why do you think Alexander encouraged marriages between Macedonians and Persians?

It was to make the Persians respect him that he adopted their customs and dress; he wanted them to think he was no different to the rulers they'd had in the past.

Why did Alexander the Great's generals disagree with Alexander taking up the ideas and customs of the people he conquered?

The generals disagreed because they thought that their customs were the only correct and civilised way to live, they saw other cultures as being barbaric, such as the Persians. So when Alexander took up Persian customs - such as the elaborate clothing and obeisance- they saw that as Alexander mocking them. Also, they thought that their goal was to conquer Persia and to make the barbarian cities Macedonian, but he didn't- he became more Persian. Thus he had disagreements with his generals and the worst of which was when he killed Cleitus the black.

Who was the king who conquered the Persian Empire and promoted a blend of Greek and Eastern customs?

Alexander the Great.

When Alexander and his military officers married women of other cultures they .?

adopted the customs of those people

When Alexander and his military officers married women of other culture?

adopted the customs of those people

How did Alexander the Great plan to unite his umpire?

Alexander the Great aimed to unite his empire by implementing various strategies. He encouraged the assimilation of different cultures by adopting Persian customs and appointing Persians to key positions. He also used intermarriage between his Greek soldiers and Persian women to foster cultural integration. Additionally, Alexander promoted the use of a common language, Greek, as a unifying force among diverse peoples.

What did the Persians trade?

Persian trade was the cornerstone for cultural enhancement. Whether via internal trade or the Silk route, Persians were able to influence other people with their customs and traditions. At the same time, Persians also learned from these trading partners and nations as well.

The Macedonian king who conquered the Persian Empire and promoted a blend of Greek and Middle Eastern customs?

Alexander the Great, the son of King Phillip II. After King Phillip was murdered, Alexander was made king. He spread Hellenistic Culture (culture or customs of the Greeks) while he conquered other lands.

When was On The Customs of the Persians written?

It was written by Herodotus about 430 BCE.

What infrastructure did the Persians develop to aid in administration?

They divided the empire into 20 provinces governed by a Persian governor responsible for internal and external security, collecting taxes, and developing the province, overseen by the Persian king and his council. Local authority and customs remained with the traditional local culture and political system of city, tribe or petty princelings.