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Achilles didn't NEED armor, of course, because he was invincible. However, to the Bronze Age Greeks, armor equaled identity. Your armor was much more than mere protection. It told the people around you who you were, who your family was, how rich in bronze they could afford to be. You'll notice, for example, that Diomedes has a boar's head on his shield, Ajax has the biggest shield of all the heroes, etc. (Even the gods wear armor, you'll notice.) So even if Achilles didn't need armor, he would have wanted it because your armor was a reflection of your identity as a Greek, a warrior, and a hero.

--Kwai Nyu

For the same reason any other warrior needs an armor. Sacrificing a bit of his mobility and speed, gaining a bit of durability in combat.

He may have been inpregnable, that doesn't mean a thwack to the abdomen didn't hurt!

He had given his armor to his best friend Patroclus when he left battle. When the Trojans thought Patroclus was Achilles, he was killed.

Achilles was enraged and returned to battle. Achilles needed new armor. It was made by Hephaestus. The shield depicted life in peace and the Horror of life in war.

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During the Trojan War, at the request of Achilles's mother Thetis and after the death of his friend Patroclus (who died in another set of armor he had).

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