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Because God spoke to him and offered him the eternal covenant. This was in the nature of a contract between Abraham and his descendants, and God. If Abraham agreed to trust God, and leave his home, and go searching for the 'promised land', and if he agreed also to remain faithful to the one true God of Israel, then in return God would bless all of his descendants and make them the founders of 'great nations'.

Abraham was a Hebrew, and the founder of Judaism.

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Q: Why did Abraham leave Ur to migrate to Canaan?
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Where is Abraham's place of origin before he reached Canaan?

Abraham original hometown is Ur.

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What was Abraham's nephew's name that he traveled with?

Abraham's nephew who traveled with him was named Lot. They journeyed together from Ur to Haran and then on to Canaan.

Where did Abraham and Sarah live?

Abraham and Sarah lived in Ur of the Chaldeans before moving to Haran and eventually settling in Canaan.

When did the Jews leave Ur to go to canaan?

At that early point in Jewish (Hebrew) history, it was only Abraham and his immediate family. Tradition places this journey in the year 1737 BCE. The Israelites, later called Jews, became a distinct group among Abraham's descendants, specifically from the lifetime of Abraham's grandson Jacob and onward.See also:More about AbrahamConnection between Hebrews, Israelites and Jews

Where did Abraham live?

Abraham was born in Ur Kaśdim. For a discussion of where in Eurasia this is, see See for his migration to the Land of Canaan (Israel) as well as a visit to Egypt.

The area Abraham led his family?

Abraham led his family from the city of Ur to the land of Canaan. Canaan is an ancient region located in the eastern Mediterranean, which encompasses modern-day Israel, Palestine, and parts of Jordan and Lebanon.

Who was the dominant god of Ur?

A:The main god of both Ur and Haran was the moon god, Sin. Some scholars point out that Abraham's travel from Ur to Haran and then to Canaan brings to mind the migration of the moon god from Ur to Israel, with Abraham representing the moon god.

What time did god tell Abraham to leave?

uR of caldea

Who did God tell to leave Ur and go to a new land?

God told Abraham to leave Ur and go to a new land.

What year did Abraham leave Ur?

Abraham left Harran to come to Canaan (Genesis 12), in 1737 BCE according to traditional chronology. He (and Terah) had left Ur to go to Harran (end of Genesis ch.11) at an earlier unspecified time, somewhere between 1792 and 1745 BCE.See also:More about Abraham

Which place did it originate from?

Judaism began when Abraham started practicing the ways of God, and teaching others, in his birthplace of Ur. Later he continued in Canaan.