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He had one. It took a while to get because the Patent Office thought he might have not made the first saw gin.

Eli Whitney had a hard time defending his patent, though; he intended to gin cotton for people instead of selling gins to them. People figured out cotton gins aren't that hard to make and built their own, and Mr. Whitney went broke suing cotton farmers.

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Q: Why couldn't Eli Whitney get a patent on the cotton gin?
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Inventor of the cotton gin?

The inventor of the cotton gin was Eli Whitney

What was the date of the cotton gin's invention?

Eli Whitney is credited with inventing the cotton gin in 1793.

Who invented the cotton gin that separated the cotton fiber from the seed?

Eli Whitney

What did inventor Eli Whitney patent in 1794?

In 1794, American inventor Eli Whitney patented the cotton gin, a machine that revolutionized the production of cotton. Eli Whitney's invention of the cotton gin revolutionized the cotton industry in the United States. His machine could generate up to fifty pounds of cleaned cotton daily, making cotton production profitable for the southern states.

On October 28 1793 which American inventor applied for a patent for the cotton gina device for processing raw cotton?

Eli Whitney

Where was the cotten gin invented?

The cotton gin was created in America in 1793 by Eli Whitney. He received a patent for the cotton gin in 1794.

Did Eli Whitney invent the cotton gin to stop slavery?

Eli Whitney did not create the first cotton gin, the first cotton gin known to man is the single roller cotton gin, which was first used around 800 A.D.

What did Eli Whitney invent in 1700?

He invented the first mechanical Cotton Gin in 1797 and applied for a patent in 1798. The patent was granted in 1807.

Who was the inventor of cotton gin?

The inventor of the cotton gin was Eli Whitney.

Who was the cotton gin invented by?

eli whitney

What year did Eli Whitney invent the cotton Jen?

He had the patent for it in 9174 but it could not be upheld in court until 1807.

Who did Eli Whitney's cotton gin patent go to?

Eli Whitney and his business partner, Phineas Miller, after problems with Georgia farmers making their own versions of the cotton gin, they sold their patent rights to the state of South Carolina in 1802. They also offered the patent rights to North Carolina and Tennessee, but South Carolina was the only state to pay Eli Whitney for the rights. Even then, South Carolina delayed paying the fee.