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During the Battle of Yorktown, the British ships could not support Cornwallis because the French were established in trenches and on the sea and were firing upon them. Also, another French ship, captained by the Comte de Grasse prevented them from going out to sea.

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Q: Why could Cornwallis not reinforced by British ships coming down the york river from the west?
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Why did the british ary move to Yorktown?

General Cornwallis thought he could outrun the American colonies and get help from reinforcements at the port near there.

What was one good reason near that the colonists had for winning the war?

The Americans were able to surround the British at Yorktown the British could not escape by boat because the French had blockaded the harbor. And Lord Cornwallis of the British was forced to surrender after long days of fighting.

Why did General Cornwallis lead his country to Yorktown?

Cornwallis decided to take his troops north and camp at Yorktown because Cornwallis was quite tired of marching. Washington's army and himself were only hundreds of miles north. Washington thought of a plan to trap the British. His plan was to bring his army south to join Greene. So the American and French Soldiers could surround Yorktown by land. If the French navy sailed into Chesapeake Bay, French Ships could also trap the British. Finally the British Army was trapped.

What was the cause and effect of the battle of Yorktown?

One event that led to the Patriots' defeat of the British at Yorktown was the British General Cornwallis moving his troops to maintain communication with the British Navy. The American victory of Yorktown led to the British engaging in peace talks with America. The British could afford to spend years writing an agreeable treaty, but could not spend more money on the army.

Why did Charles Cornwallis retreat from the carolinas and march north into Virginia?

Cornwallis had decided he could not win the Carolinas after losing two key battles.

Related questions

What prevented British ships from sailing down the Atlantic coast to help Cornwallis?

General Cornwallis had set up his base at Yorktown, on the inner shores of the Chesapeake Bay. Well he had expected that his troops could be reinforced from New York by ship but the British had no way in.

Why could he not be reinforced by british ships coming down the york river from the west?

they surrounded yorktown and began hitting the town with cannon fire

Who surrendered to Washington at Yorktown?

Cornwallis did, assuming that's the battle your talking about. Nathaniel Greene sent Cornwallis on a chase, because he just kept retreating deeper and deeper into the colonies. Cornwallis was called back, and he ended up in Yorktown, thinking that this was a wise move because he had the coast to his back, and therefore he could only be attacked on one side. But instead he ended up being surrounded by the French Navy and the continental army. Not such a good idea after all.

Why did the british ary move to Yorktown?

General Cornwallis thought he could outrun the American colonies and get help from reinforcements at the port near there.

Why did Cornwallis decide to take his troops and camp at Yorktown?

Cornwallis decided to take his troops north and camp at Yorktown because Cornwallis was quite tired of marching. Washington's army and himself were only hundreds of miles north. Washington thought of a plan to trap the British. His plan was to bring his army south to join Greene. So the American and French Soldiers could surround Yorktown by land. If the French navy sailed into Chesapeake Bay, French Ships could also trap the British. Finally the British Army was trapped.

Why did Cornwallis decide to take his troops to camp at Yorktown?

Cornwallis decided to take his troops north and camp at Yorktown because Cornwallis was quite tired of marching. Washington's army and himself were only hundreds of miles north. Washington thought of a plan to trap the British. His plan was to bring his army south to join Greene. So the American and French Soldiers could surround Yorktown by land. If the French navy sailed into Chesapeake Bay, French Ships could also trap the British. Finally the British Army was trapped.

What was the Patriots strategy for defeating British at Yorktown?

Washington wanted to get the British out of New York City but the recently arrived French Commander, Comte de Rochambeau, had to get his fleet to the carribean by October so he convinced Washington that it would be easier for the French Fleet to assist in the attack further south where Cornwallis was in Yorktown with 9000 British soldiers, where he had fewer soldiers than the occupation of New York City. The plan was for the French Commander to defeat the British fleet at the battle of Chesapeake (which succeeded in early September) and thus blocked any escape by sea for Cornwallis. Washington sent the French General Lafayette to contain Cornwallis until he and his forces could arrive (which he did). So the combined attack at Yorktown by land and by sea left no choice for Cornwallis but to surrender.

What was one good reason near that the colonists had for winning the war?

The Americans were able to surround the British at Yorktown the British could not escape by boat because the French had blockaded the harbor. And Lord Cornwallis of the British was forced to surrender after long days of fighting.

How did the revoultionary war end?

In short, Charles Cornwallis,the British commander was boxed in at Yorktown, a small peninsula. He could not escape by sea, because admiral De Grasse's fleet was blocking the harbor. The combined American and french marines were attacking by land. Eventually, Cornwallis could not absorb any more losses and surrendered.

What was the strategy for the American army in the south?

Nathanael Greene , commander, planned to wear out the British army . He thought his small army could move faster than the British army, led by General Charles Cornwallis, to chase him .

Why did General Cornwallis lead his country to Yorktown?

Cornwallis decided to take his troops north and camp at Yorktown because Cornwallis was quite tired of marching. Washington's army and himself were only hundreds of miles north. Washington thought of a plan to trap the British. His plan was to bring his army south to join Greene. So the American and French Soldiers could surround Yorktown by land. If the French navy sailed into Chesapeake Bay, French Ships could also trap the British. Finally the British Army was trapped.

What was the patriot strategy for defeating the british?

Washington wanted to get the British out of New York City but the recently arrived French Commander, Comte de Rochambeau, had to get his fleet to the carribean by October so he convinced Washington that it would be easier for the French Fleet to assist in the attack further south where Cornwallis was in Yorktown with 9000 British soldiers, where he had fewer soldiers than the occupation of New York City. The plan was for the French Commander to defeat the British fleet at the battle of Chesapeake (which succeeded in early September) and thus blocked any escape by sea for Cornwallis. Washington sent the French General Lafayette to contain Cornwallis until he and his forces could arrive (which he did). So the combined attack at Yorktown by land and by sea left no choice for Cornwallis but to surrender.