The House of Lords in the UK parliament cannot stop a 'bill' or an Act of Parliament from becoming law. It can delay it, make recommendations and ask for it to be reconsidered but it cannot veto it.
The house of lords is being reformed with a house of lords reform bill, look the bill up the internet will tell you about the bill. Hopefully when the lords chamber is reformed bishops will no longer be allowed in the house of lords and that the chamber will become a senate. If we don't have a senate then we need to protest for one, we also need the UK to become a republic for this to work so that is the final thing we need to protest about.
The House of Lords debates legislation (introduced by either the Upper or Lower House) and has some power to amend (change) or reject the bills. However the power of the Upper House to reject a bill that has prior been passed by the House of Commons is restricted by the Parliament Acts.
how many women live in the house of commons?
Irish House of Lords was created in 1297.
It depends which way you look at it: an unwritten constitution means more manoeuvrability when it comes to law changing or simply instigating constitutional changes. For example, during the early 1900s the British House of Lords had the ability to veto any Bill presented by the House of Commons it wanted, as long as it had a majority decision. The exception of this was if a Bill was finacially related (under a Unwritten Constitution), which in most cases suited the Lords fine. However, in 1913 a financial Bill was presented which, to cut a long story short, would result in the loss of the Lords' money and power. Because there was no strct constitution, the Lords simply ignored previous tradition and vetoed the Bill. In this way, the British unwritten Constitution is an advantage to one party, but a disadvantage to another. (The Bill was passed inevitably, when the house of commons sent through a law stating that the lords could no longer veto any bills at all, they got the support from the king and therefore the lords lost their power except they could now suspend bills but couldn't stop them.)
The house of lords is being reformed with a house of lords reform bill, look the bill up the internet will tell you about the bill. Hopefully when the lords chamber is reformed bishops will no longer be allowed in the house of lords and that the chamber will become a senate. If we don't have a senate then we need to protest for one, we also need the UK to become a republic for this to work so that is the final thing we need to protest about.
They are the people who make the decision as to whether a Bill passed by the House of Commons, and debated in the House of Lords, should become law or not- but the Commons can still override their decision by use of the Parliament Act.
The house of lords and the house of commons.There is the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
The house of lords fail to pass it
Because the House of Lords was created first (search Wikipedia for 'house of lords' for the full artitcle) ! The House of Commons was created much more recent than the House of Lords.
The House of Lords is the 'upper house' of parliament which has 733 members. The main roles of the House of Lords include examining, amending and approving bills of UK and European legislation and initiating bills for consideration in the House of Commons.
House of Lords
They are (not were, they are still in existence) the House of Commons and the House of Lords
the house of commons and the house of lords
The two branches of the British Parliament are the House of Commons and the House of Lords.
THe legislature of the UK comprises two 'bodies'. The House of Commons, and the House of Lords. Potential laws are debated, and voted for in the House of Commons. If the bill is passed by the house, it's forwarded to the House of Lords for approval. Law can be passed back to the House of Commons for amendment - before ultimately being presented to Her Majesty the Queen for enactment.
House of Lords - Lords of the Underground album - was created on 2007-08-21.