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if it crashes, then we have neither.

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Q: Why can't the President and vice president fly on the same plane?
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Does President Obama's limousine travel with him aboard Air Force One?

At least one of the presidential limos goes with the President, but not aboard the same plane.

Are the requirments to be vice president same as president?

Yes, the same for a vice-president.

When do the vice president gets the same money pay as the president?

when the vice president in the seat of president in the absence of the president, at that time the vice president will become eligible for getting the same salary of president.

Who next if the vice president cant carry out his duties?

The Speaker of the House would become president if the president and VP were incapacitated at the same time.

What are the qualifications to be vic president?

The same as president.

What happens after both house passes the same exact same bill?

It goes to the President.

Why the president must be the same the qualification of vice president?

because the vice president can become president at any moment

What is feminine of president?

If there was a female president you would call her "Madam President"

What are the Rights of an former president?

It is the same as the rights of an president

Who needs to have the same requirements as the president?

A vice president

Can the vice president stay on as long as the president?

I am not quite sure what you want to know. The president and vice president are elected as a team at the same time and their terms expire at the same time. If the president leaves office before the end of his term, the vice-president becomes president.

The twelfth amendment guarantees that the president and vice president will be from the same?

The Twelfth Amendment under the current party system guarantees that the president and vice president will be from the same party.