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  • It killed tens of thousands of incident people
  • Its radiation effects people to this day
  • Gave a lot of people cancer
  • Increased anti-Americanism
  • would just breed resentment
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12y ago
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13y ago

There are a few reasons why dropping the atomic bombs was a bad thing.

1) They caused civilian loss of life which only increased anti-americanism and would just breed resentment.

2) Once other countries saw that we had the ability to use such weapons it lead to widespread nuclear explosion in Russia which ultimately lead to the Cold War. The remnants of that proliferation can still be seen in our modern day struggles where there is the threat of Iran developing nuclear weapons.

So ultimately the use of the atomic bombs sparked anti-americanism and widespread nuclear creation

It is true that civilian loss of life occurs in every war but not to the effect that they were with the atomic bombs. In Hiroshima 140,000 people were killed and 80,000 were killed in Nagasaki, way above the estimates .(1)

So yes, the civilian loss of life was very great. And that was on just two days. Two bombs. So my argument about civilian loss of life still stands. As for anti-americanism, one women said this in regards to the bombs: "I hate Americans, they dropped the bomb and they did nothing to America". Anti-americanism was still rampant, just because we aren't mortal enemies now doesn't mean that there everything wen't over well. For example, after WWI Germany was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles which ultimately lead to huge resentment towards the Triple Entente and ultimately the rise of Hitler. Hatred was huge then but we are allies with Germany now, so your argument about being allies makes no sense thus my claim still stands.

It is true that the Soviet Nuclear project did start during WWII but regardless, after we saw that Russia was making one we made more and so on and so forth. The first one was really the catalyst that started proliferation. It is also true that atomic bombs prevented the Cold War from escalating but as I have already shown the proliferation which started the Cold War was caused by the creation of such a device . Atomic Weapons created a COLD WAR (A stand-off between atomic armed countries). Total wars CANNOT be fought any longer without risking total destruction to both sides, referred to as, "Mutually Assured Destruction" during the cold war (1945-1990). Only conventional wars, not involving NUCLEAR WEAPONS (called "Limited Wars") could be safely fought during the cold war.

if US were to invade Japan using foot soldiers, who knows how many millions of American soldiers will die.

· Maybe if they had dropped it on an isolated mountain they would have surrendered without dropping it on cities.

· The technology made it so that now we can destroy all life on earth.

· You are not supposed to Bomb civilians if you can help it. A city is chock full of civilians.

· If Japan had really lost the war, why continue fighting them? Just leave them alone.

· thousands died of leukemia and cancer caused by atomic fallout

First you should ask the question: Was the fire raids on Japan a good idea? The fire-bombing of dozens of Japanese cities caused more death and destruction than both atomic bombs combined. Cities like Kobe, Osaka, Nagaoka, Kawasaki, Yokohama, and many others were fire bombed to ashes. More people died in the fire raid on Tokyo in one evening than died in Hiroshima. The fire raids on Japan were code named: Operation Matterhorn!

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15y ago

Because It can kill thousands of people and gives off radiation posioning after the bomb goes off!!

Cheese Master!!

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13y ago

it kill too many people :-( and it destroy the environmental live.

it kill people who live near a atom bomb explosion.

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14y ago

it killed some mens

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