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The people of today have realized that past punishments are too harsh and cause undue pain and suffering.

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Q: Why aren't medieval punishments used today?
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Why did the medieval Christian church use excommunication and the interdict?

Catholic AnswerExcommunication and Interdiction were used in the medieval Church the same as they are today - to save people's souls. These are the most extreme punishments used to bring people to their senses, and only used in the most extreme cases. Excommunication is used to deny a person access to the sacraments, except of course, confession; interdiction denies the sacraments to a whole area or country. Though relatively rare, excommunication today is much more common as several very serious sins, such as procuring a successful abortion, incur automatic excommunication.

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What punishments did the franks use that canadians do not?

The Franks used punishments such as death by hanging, beheading, and flogging which are no longer used in Canada today. Additionally, the Franks practiced mutilation of body parts as a form of punishment, which is considered cruel and unusual in modern Canadian law.

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In the medieval period it was called a donjon. After the medieval period, when castles were no longer being built, the term used was "keep", a word that is widely used, incorrectly, today.

Did medieval times have illegal substances?

I have never heard of medieval European laws against use of the drugs we have today that are illegal today. In Islamic countries alcoholic beverages were illegal. Hashish was used in parts of the Middle East, and my understanding is that it was not illegal.

Is there a difference in weapons used today and in medieval times?

Of course . - Weapons change and improve in almost every war.

What similarities are there between crime and punishment of medieval times and crime and punishment today?

In some countries torture is still used

Who used medieval animals?

There really is no such thing as "medieval animals." There were animals used or that lived during the middle ages in Europe. They are the same animals that exist there today, with the exception of the turkey and a few other animals that were later imported from America and Australia.

What punishments did the franks use that Canadians do not how can you account for these differences?

The Franks used corporal punishments like flogging, amputation, and branding, which are not used in Canada today. These differences can be attributed to evolving societal norms, legal systems, and human rights standards. Canada's legal framework emphasizes rehabilitation and restorative justice rather than retribution.

Why were rushes put onto paving in medieval times?

To reinforce the clay, much as steel and poly is used today in the making of slabs.

What was medieval tannery used for?

A medieval tannery was used for tanning leather.