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The United States was in Iraq for multiple reasons and objectives which are more thoroughly outlined in the related question below: "What are the causes of the Iraq War of 2003-2011?"

The "Iraqis" are not homogenous, therefore they are not all fighting for the same objectives. There are a large number of Iraqis fighting in the reformed Iraqi Army that fought alongside American soldiers and now continue that same fight even without American military assistance. There is the Kurdish Peshmerga which continues to fight alongside the Iraqi Army in order to protect the Kurds' newly gained autonomy. Most of the regional insurgent groups operating in Iraq are fighting to preserve their local power. International groups like Al-Qaeda see the Iraqi government as an imposition and strive for its downfall.

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14y ago

Because Saddam Hussain was removed from power in 2003; he ruled with an iron fist (apparently) and managed to keep the lid on things (kept trouble under control). According to the news media and all the supposed good guys, he may have been a brutal man, and generally not nice...but he had things under control. Now there is no man with an "iron fist" to control things; they have a democratic "sort of" way of doing things now and criminals (terrorists/insurgents) are attacking the government. Why are they fighting in Iraq? For all sorts of reasons; religious beliefs; political beliefs, they just don't like their US/coalition influenced government; they're unemployed, and don't have any job, nor money, nor food, nor housing, so they join terrorists (which have several different names) not unlike "gang activity" in the United States. Bored teenagers & young men with no place to go, no family, no job (read no money), no self respect, they get bored, more bored, and more they join a gang! You can call it a war, but it's really a WAR ON CRIME, there is no government involved with the bad guys, anymore than there's a government for the gangsters in America's big cities. There's no air force fighting another air force in the skies, there's no navy's fighting warship to warship, there's no enemy generals with tanks and self propelled artillery...there's NOT even a government to negotiate with; it's a job for law enforcement! It's a law enforcement function! Find em...bust em...prison or execution...what ever kind of justice prevails in that region. Saddam was arrested, and then executed, his peers the same.

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12y ago

coz they feel like it

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Q: Why are they fighting in war over in Iraq?
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See "Iran-Iraq War (1980-1988)."

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Along the Iran-Iraq border (Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988); as well as within the Gulf itself.

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The Iraq War has ended as December 16, 2011.

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Last count, they were providing security forces.

What Are you Fighting in the Iraq war?

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