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The seljuk Turks are considered to be important because they ruled over Persia, Iraq, Syria, and Anatolia. After the defeat of the Byzantine empire the Turks led in a way to the crusades which at that time was good (in a way) because the European Christians brought lots of new ideas and mixed culture with the Muslims. They blended ideas such as taxation on farmers which led the way for the Empire to be more economically stable. By having the economy stable they had the money to built new schools, roads, and religious centers unto which Muslims would gather for prayer. By having these religious centers the society would be more united and less problems would arrise in the umma (community) such as cheating, and the killing of innocent people.

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Q: Why are the seljuk Turks and ottoman Turks important?
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The Ottoman Dynasty eventually conquered the empire established by the Seljuk Turks

Which Turks controlled the Middle East?

Earlier on the Seljuk Turks controlled the Middle East. Later, the Ottoman Turks were in control.

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Who or what ended the Byzantine Empire?

The Byzantine Empire had been growing steadily smaller and weaker for centuries, but it was finally defeated altogether by the Ottoman Turks in 1453.

What empires controlled the land before the Ottoman empire?

Modern Turkey was controlled by a combination of Seljuk Turks and Byzantines.

Did the ottoman Turks conquer Spain?

No. Seljuks and Ottomans are from the same tribe (Oghuz tribe). When the Ottoman Turks came to Anatolia, it was the last years of Seljuk Empire.Ottomans helped Seljuks in their battle against Khwarazmids.After that, Seljuk sultan gave some land to Ottomans in Anatolia. Several years later, Seljuk Empire ended by invading Mongolians (soldiers of Genghis Khan)

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The first crusades began when the Seljuk Turks Conquered Constantinople.

When did the seljuk Turks invade the middle east?

Seljuk Turks conquered Anatolia after their success at the Battle of Manzikert in 1078 CE.

Where in the world is the Ottomon empire?

The Ottoman state began as one of many small Turkish states that emerged in Asia Minor during the breakdown of the empire of the Seljuk Turks.

Did The Seljuk Turks capture the city of Constantinople in 1453 and made it the capital of their empire?

Yes, as the need for a sturdy and powerful 'base' was needed for the Seljuk Turks.

Did seljuk Turks captured the city of constantinople in 1453 and made it the capital of their empire?

Yes, as the need for a sturdy and powerful 'base' was needed for the Seljuk Turks.

What was the religious faIth of the seljuk Turks?
