

Why are the pyramids evil?

Updated: 12/12/2022
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14y ago

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The pyramids are piles of stone inanimate objects which in themselves cannot be evil. One way in which they could be considered evil is the misery of the thousands of slaves employed in their construction. Then it is not the pyramid that is evil but the egocentric Pharaoh who ordered their construction.

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yes we still have pyramids yes we still have pyramids

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The pyramids mentioned are located in Egypt.

Why are they pyramids?

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Where about are the pyramids?

The PYRAMIDS are in EGYPT in CAIRO..............

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Are there pyramids in Israel?

No. The Great Pyramids at Giza are in Egypt. There are many more pyramids scattered about that country and in addition there are even more numerous amounts of pyramids in the Sudan. However, Israel has no Pyramids.

What are the grate pyramids?

The GREAT pyramids are the most well known and famous pyramids in Egypt.

What is in pyramids?

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Do pyramids always have points at the top?

Egyptian pyramids usually did; Mesoamerican pyramids generally did not.