

Why are the natives so nice?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: Why are the natives so nice?
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no never they are nice natives to the land

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the changes as the natives met the settlers is that they were nice then they found out what the natives did like sacrifices so they stared to get sacred and they put them to work so they wouldn't be next!!

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He is so nice.

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its nice to be nice only if others are nice back so yes i am nice

What did the natives lost because of globalization?

they lost EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!! and it is so sad!

Which countries were most interested in religious conversion of the natives?

The french Jesuists were mainly focused on converting the natives, but failed to do so due to the strong belief the natives had in their own god and because of the language barrier between the two races.

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Be nice to him so he can be nice to you, because how do you expect people to be nice to you if you aren't nice to them.

Were natives attacked by other natives?

Yes, some natives were killed by other natives, such as the Lenape and Wampanog.