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Q: Why are the African Americans of Birmingham protesting?
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Why did they not like what martin Luther king Jr was doing?

he was protesting 4 his and his people's rights as African Americans because of thier skin color and because he was African American so people were selfish and didn't think about the African Americans

What tactic did many African Americans and Hispanic Americans activists use to advocate for equal rights during the civil rights movements?

protesting peacefully and launching boycotts

What is the aim of the Birmingham campaign?

The Birmingham campaign was a movement in 1963 by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to bring attention to the integration efforts of African Americans in Birmingham, Alabama. It was led by Martin Luther King, Jr. It eventually led the municipal government to change the city's discrimination laws.

When did Birmingham Americans end?

Birmingham Americans ended in 1975.

What was Birmingham's nickname?

Bombingham because of the racial bombings done to African Americans during the struggle for Civil Rights.

When was Birmingham Americans created?

Birmingham Americans was created in 1973-12.

Is the king holiday important mostly to African Americans why or why not?

It is very important to African Americans, but to all people of the world as well. His day symbolizes unity and non-violent protesting, much like Gandhi. His holiday represents how we can all get together and just get along.

When did Birmingham end?

Birmingham Americans ended in 1975.

What contributions has B.B.King made to society?

BB king helped African Americans with numerous donations and he was also in the march in Birmingham with Martin Luther King.

Martin Luther King accuses the City Fathers of Birmingham of what?

Martin Luther King, Jr. accused the city fathers of Birmingham of holding the African Americans in an oppressed state. He says that they are selfish and not worried about anyone else except themselves.

What did the brutality against African Americans in Birmingham prompt Kennedy to do?

It prompted Kennedy to propose a strong civil rights bill

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