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I think its difficult to overestimate the influence culture has on our outlooks and opinions. When growing up this is all you've ever known, it can be difficult to embrace attitudes that are vastly different than the way we've come to see and understand the world.

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Q: Why are some states so religiously bigoted?
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Why can some people be so bigoted and intolerant?

Bigotry and intolerance often stem from fear, lack of exposure to different perspectives, and a desire to maintain power or control. It can also be influenced by societal norms, ignorance, and a lack of empathy towards others who are different from oneself.

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It is illegal to ban someone for race or religion, however the laws in some states are not yet evolved enough to include gay people. So if you live in one of those states, you are free to be has hateful and bigoted as you want towards gay people. But enjoy it while it lasts, because soon it will be illegal everywhere.

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Narrow-minded: having a biased or illiberal viewpoint; bigoted, intolerant, or prejudiced I.e.: You are so narrow-minded.

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That's an opinion question, but in general I don't believe they are and for liability reasons even the ones that are biased towards gays would be stupid to air those views publicly if nationally circulated. In many states, that's illegal & or would alienate readers/be bad pr.

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So long as the burger and all accompaniments are kosher, religiously observant Jews can eat it.

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I think so in some states but i live in florida so yes it is illegal in florida.

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Not All Have StatesNo, some are called provinces and some are so small they have neither

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In some states I believe so

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Australia is considered more religiously conservative than some European countries, even Britain. Because of this, it has a relatively high number of Christians, about 63 per cent of the population at the last national census.