

Why are some people prejudiced?

Updated: 8/22/2023
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14y ago

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People become prejudiced initially through what they are being taught at home and school in their formative years. These prejudices can change or grow over time, depending on one's life experiences and the society in which they live.

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14y ago

A great deal of people's attitudes and behaviors are learned through socialization. Socialization begins the moment we are born and the primary teachers are the parents. A great deal of attitudes stem primarily from our up-bringing. However, maturity should bring forth the knowledge that you can chose the attitude you live by. Some people never reach this level of understanding.

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Because prejudiced people are heartless, ignorant and snobbish; they enjoy making others who are different to feel bad about them selves for pleasure.

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because of the way the were raised or they're afraid of anything different or foreign to them

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Obviously when they're little kids either their parents and/or friends are prejudiced and discriminate people who are different. And that influences these kids and they become prejudiced and discriminate people who are different because that's what they're taught. Until a certain age children don't right from wrong. One: the parents shouldn't discriminate and be prejudiced themselves. Two: the parents should teach their children it's wrong to discriminate and to be prejudiced. Three: the parents should teach their children people are people no matter what is their skin color which country they're from what language they speak etc. Four: the parents should only let their children be friends with nice children; never let them be friends with children who will teach them to be nasty to other people.

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Competition for jobs

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Adolf Hitler; people who are uneducated and prejudiced.

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An antonym for prejudiced is objective.

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It is called homophobia.