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They are scared.

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Q: Why are some Americans intimidating?
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What was pilgrims relationship with Native American?

The Pilgrim's relationship with the Native Americans was fairly good. The Native Americans were honestly scared of the Pilgrims at first because they saw these men approach with these classy clothes and intimidating boats and were petrified. As time went on the Native Americans helped the Pilgrims survive their first winter. You could call them allies at that point.

Are Native Americans monotheistic?

Some native americans are Christian and some believe in animal guides and some are polytheistic.

What did some Americans question during the Great Depression?

What did some americans question during the great depression?

Do the Americans regret dropping the a-bomb on japan?

Some do , some do not .

What did some Native Americans travel by?


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What was Americans reaction to the sons of liberty?

The americans were in the group and were the ones intimidating the British.

How did the klu klux klan try to keep African Americans and white republicans out of office?

By threatening and intimidating them.

Who are some really intimidating people?


What are some ways to look intimidating?

Look nothing like yourself you weakling.

What is intimidating in math?

Not aware that "intimidating" is a mathematical term or concept.

What is a sentence using the word intimidating?

The sentences are:-1)At least we think it was intimidating.2)But his explanations were delivered in an intimidating manner.3)Many children find churches intimidating, archaic and irrelevant.4)For some small business owners, the business start up cost can be so intimidating that they lose their dream before they even get started.5)The Social Security Disability application process can be intimidating.6) Choosing a lawyer to represent your specific case in court can be very intimidating.I think they are enough sentences.

How do you use intimidating in a sentence?

The giant's intimidating presence made the other animals in the forest scatter in fear.

What are some other words that can be used instead of scary?

eerie, intimidating, alarming, hairy, spooky

What feature of a job interview can make them intimidating for and applicant?

There are many aspects that could make the process intimidating for an applicant. Some organisations could have a panel of between 3 to 7 members, asking and listening to every word you have to say. Also when they are writing down as you are speaking could be slightly intimidating. Not to mention the atmospere.

Why are some kids at school rude?

Some kids at school rude because they are trying to feel better about themselves by intimidating others

Do Americans wear uniforms?

Some Americans do Some Americans dont

How do the elderly feel about new computers?

It depends on the individual person. Some elderly people find computers intimidating, some learn how to use them.