

Why are scribes important?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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13y ago

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Scribes are important because they could write for people who can't (because of injuries) and the people who don't know how.

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They were important because they could read and write in the ancient Egypt letters. They kept track of all records such as crops, taxes, etc.

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without them, they would not know the records, as following we would not know any of the history!! (:

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Are scribes important?

Scribes are important because they could write for people who can't (because of injuries) and the people who don't know how.

Why were scribes important to Egypt?

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Egyptian scribes were important for recording government information and keeping public records.

What scribes keep records of?

Scribes are people who write things down. They could be keeping records of anything that it was important to write down.

When did scribes become important in Egypt?

They were first important in Mesopotamia, mostly in the Sumerian society

What type of information did the scribes record?

Scribes recorded all important information that would need to be passed down the next hundreds of generations.

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Why were scribes important in Sumerian government?

Because if they were not nice to them they knew the Sumerians would kill them.

Why did the scribes become important in sumerian and Egyptian life?

They documented happenings and political decisions. They kept records of workers and purcheses. They documented briths and deaths. They were the only people who could read and write.

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