

Why are people anti-Semitic?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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9y ago

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Because they are taught to be that way.

Anti-Semitism is just another form of racism and it is quite literally because people are taught to be that way. People in many countries are always scared of people who are different from them. Whether it is skin color, religion, nationality, or culture, people have always found excuses for hating, even killing other people.


Some believe any criticism of Zionism or Israel is 'anti-Semitic' while others take a more nuanced approach. Some in the larger Semitic community object to the term meaning only 'Jew-hatred', feeling it is an affront to their own Semitic roots.

'Anti-semitism' is not just another form of racism because Semites and Jews are not a racial group. Semites are people who speak a Semitic language (or biblically, descendents of god) and 'Jews' are followers of a religion, not a 'race'. For example, there are Ethiopian (Black) Jews who live in Israel.

This makes anti-Semitism more of a cultural bias than a racial bias.

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