Well I expect the people to think it is against their rights of privicy, and spying.
Newfoundland was against Confederation and also the french.
when the Iranian government of Mohammed Mossadeq nationalized the Anglo-Iranian oil company in 1953, the people protested against the government and overthrew Mohammed Mossadeq. There were many plans for his assasination were plotted because the people did not want their leader to help out another nation who had threatned them before multiple times and the people worried about if Iran will experience a civil war.
to make people more smoother
United States.
because the nation wide has a clear majority of norwegains against oil drilling
Alice Ball invented an oil against leprosy.
It is a natural resource that fuel our way of life. Oil has many application to its usage. Heating oil to heat our homes( Europe) Cooking oil to cook our food Petroleum gel to protect our lips Oil for car to help with heat and friction Sun tan oil to protect against sun burn.
Was caused by our Government for greed for oil, Sad our US killed its own people.
The US never attacked any country for the sole objective of gaining oil. People think this is one of the reasons for the Iraq War, but in reality, this was a war against terrorism.
That is a debatable issue. There are economic arguments in favor of drilling for oil in protected areas, and environmental arguments against such drilling. My personal sympathies lie with the environmental arguments.
the oil affects people cause the kind of oil they have most likely people are alergic to it so most people die from suffering the oil smell
why many people are against DRM
No, people can not sneeze out water and oil.
It means anyone doesnot tells against truth like oil.
people use oil for loads of things, like oil for cars
why many people are against DRM