

Why are peanuts so useful?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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15y ago

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Because they are useful.

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Q: Why are peanuts so useful?
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Related questions

How will peanuts be useful in later life?

peanuts are actually more useful than you would think. peanut oil is used for lotions and oils and are used in many many different foods. its actually really healthy, too. a guy named Dr. George washington Carver was born into slavery and so he was around peanuts alot. he found a BUNCH of things peanuts can be used for! you should look him up. :) hope this helps.

How are peanuts useful to us?

They can be used as a biological weapon. Or as an accompanying food to go with beer.

Why are peanuts so important to Virginia?

Because Virginia made the peanuts and they make the most peanuts in America

Why do you plant peanuts?

So you can buy salted peanuts at the ball park.

Do peanuts explode when put in pink lemonade?

No, because peanuts are gross and so is lemonade!!!!!!

Where does Peter Pan peanut butter get their peanuts?

well..., an elephannt loooooves peanuts and peanuts looooves elephants, so, when the elephant pooops out the peanuts, they names those peanuts peter pan, and then they ship them to that place where they make the peanut butter, and then make peter pan peanut butter out of that. that is just so delicious!

Why does peanuts gain weight when boiled?

because the peanuts absorb the water when its boiling so the water is in it

What plant did George Washington carver find many uses for?

Carver developed methods for making many useful substances out of peanuts, such as cosmetics, paints, and nitroglycerin. He didn't really "invent" the substances so much as show that they could be economically made from peanut plants.

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What food group contains peanuts?

Peanuts are legumes, from the same family as the pea. Peas are vegetables. So, peanuts are vegetables. They are dietary source of starches, carbohydrates and oils.

Who is linus in Poptropica?

You meet him in the island The Great Pumpkin. based off of the peanuts. So he is the same Linus in the Peanuts.

Why do peanuts have more energy than bread?

Peanuts have more energy than bread because peanuts have more fat, and they are much more oily than bread, so the answer is that because peanuts contain more fat than bread, so they attend to have more energy than bread .