The power of kings grew during the Middle Ages due to their belief in the divine right of kings. Since they believed their powers came from God himself, they believed that they deserved unlimited power.
Kings and Queens dress nicely and Surfs are basically slaves, so the dress in rags.
William of Normandy's owned all the castles in England. he based them so they were spread out long the border
guilds are dum
they ate the food of nobles but not kings so check
Yes and so is "dark ages."
It is so simple... You need to know! The live in medieval times was the best times of the world, the lords had marrierd and also the kings died if they walk out of their castles or talk with the knights and noblewomen. x
so they can have sex for money and kings will do sex positions like anal and #69
Kings and Queens dress nicely and Surfs are basically slaves, so the dress in rags.
William of Normandy's owned all the castles in England. he based them so they were spread out long the border
guilds are dum
Medieval is loosely used to describe the point between ancient and modern times-the ancient times finished when the Romans stopped ruling and the modern times is said to have started (in Britain anyway) when Henry VII became the King. So every King after the Romans left and before Henry VII (in every country that had a King).
When Rome fell the Christianity was very powerful so when the middle ages started the gods technically were, god himself.
they ate the food of nobles but not kings so check
The Kings and Queens in the medieval times usually played games like chess listened to music, danced or read a book. They were women so they really weren't allowed to go anywhere like the men did.By the way World Journalism Prepatory School Rox!!!!!!!
because the church was powerful.
Unicorns have been around for a long time, so they were around in medieval times, but no, they were not and are not just imaginary.
What are the pros and cons of being a priest in the Middle Ages?