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In the late 1870's there were two federal policies: continued reduction of Native American land holdings and Americanization of "savage" reservation residents in order to integrate them into mainstream society. Federal agents were given the task of accomplishing both goals.

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In the 1850s, US government policy towards Native Americans underwent a significant shift. The passage of the Indian Removal Act in 1830, which forced many Native American tribes to relocate west of the Mississippi River, set the stage for this change. The discovery of gold in California in 1848 sparked a rush of settlers, leading to increased conflicts with Native Americans. As a result, the government began to advocate for a policy of forced assimilation and the establishment of reservations to contain Native Americans.

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Q: Why and how did gov policy toward native Americans change in the 1850?
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the nothwest ordinance of 1787

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The sand creek massacre of 1864 and the battle at wounded knee in 1890 are examples of what us policy toward native Americans?

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