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Open flames were used to help miners see until the advent of portable lighting. There was a massive amount of dust flying around coal mines, and it is very flammable. When it's a fine powder, it becomes explosive. The reason charcoal does not do this with a grill is because charcoal is made from wood products, not coal, and is not nearly as flammable or capable of producing the fine particulate dust that can combust easily.

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Q: Why a spark can cause coal dust in a mine to explode and yet not cause an explosion with charcoal in abarbeque grill?
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What caused the huge explosion in Siberia in 1908?

The aerial explosion of a meteor or a comet on 30 June 1908 was the probable cause of the Tunguska event.

How did the battleship Maine explode?

The cause of the Maine's explosion and sinking remain unclear. The Americans at first thought the Cubans blew it up with a bomb or torpedo while it was docked in the Havana Harbor but with an investigation following, it was really the gun powder all packed together blew it up. Spontaneous combustion in a coal bunker adjacent to the 6-inch reserve magazine caused the magazine to overheat, which resulted in an explosion. In 1898, the cause was thought to be a Spanish mine, which led to the Spanish-American War. It was believe that the Spanish exploded the ship internally, but future findings make it plausible for the ship to have hit a mine.

What ship explosion caused the spanish-American war?

It was the USS Maine, a battleship that was anchored in Havana Harbor when it unexpectedly blew up. The cause of the explosion is still not certain, but it was a catastrophe. The unexplained explosion was used as a catalyst to precipitate the US and Spain into a war.It

What caused the explosion at Pearl Harbor in 1944?

The cause of the explosion at Pearl Harbor in 1944 is not known, however the incident happened just after 3pm on the 21st of May, it started in the staging area for landing assault ships and tanks while preparing for an invasion of the Japanese Marina Island. The explosion resulted in the death of 163 naval personnel and 396 injured.

What happens when you put a positive on a negative and a negative on a positive?

You will get a spark and maybe a shock. If you do this with a car battery, it may well explode and might cause injury.

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Why a spark can cause coal dust in a mine to explode and yet not cause an explosion with charcoal in a barbecue grill?

It is a question of the fuel oxygen ratio. Coal dust has a very high mix rate and as such will burn so quickly it is a form of explosion. A briquet has a very low surface area and is not as volatile. Note that any dust will explode. Flour has always been dangerous and grain silos are built to contain massive explosions.

Is charcoal a safe product to use on a gas or barbecue grill or will it explode when the grill is lit?

Charcoal is not safe to use on a gas grill. The grill was not designed for the heat and contact with the charcoal. It isn't likely to explode, but it may very well fall apart and cause problems.

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If oxygen is exposed to a glowing ember will it explode?

It should not explode. With what would the oxygen combust? About 20% of the air is oxygen. Oxygen does not readily combine with itself. However, if you put a spark into a cup of liquid hydrogen, I bet it would react rather violently. And there is a YouTube video of a fellow igniting charcoal with liquid oxygen. The oxygen does not explode, but the fire burns the charcoal really well. And the barbecue. And eventually the ground below the grill.

A spark can cause coal dust in a mine to explode and yet not cause an explosion with charcoal in a barbecue grill?

The difference is in the particle size and concentration of the fuel. In a mine, coal dust is finely dispersed and can form a combustible mixture with air. In a barbecue grill, charcoal pieces are larger and less likely to form a dust cloud that can easily ignite. Additionally, the ventilation and confined space of a mine can contribute to the rapid spread of a dust explosion.

How do explosives explode?

dynamite:made from saltpeter-like moss,charcoal,sulfur,----charcoal and sulfur burn a long time but if you add saltpeter whitch realeases a lot of oxygin when burned all the oxygin will cause the charcoal and sulfur to rapidly cumbust all together disclaimer:dont try it cause you can get yourself killed

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dynamite:made from saltpeter-like moss,charcoal,sulfur,----charcoal and sulfur burn a long time but if you add saltpeter whitch realeases a lot of oxygin when burned all the oxygin will cause the charcoal and sulfur to rapidly cumbust all together disclaimer:dont try it cause you can get yourself killed

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The explosion of mobile phones, in fact, the real root cause of the explosion of mobile phones is the explosion of the battery. Professionals believe that the root cause of the battery explosion is the use of fake and inferior products. Experts say that most of the batteries currently used in mobile phones are lithium batteries

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