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Probably gradually from the fifth century through the 8th, Latin evolved into the romance languages of French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Romanian. Changes in language started with the Germanic invasions and settlements in the 4th century. Latin ceased to be spoken in society except in the Roman Catholic church. However, Medieval Latin continued to be used in education, medicine and other fields in Europe until the 18th century.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Basically, Americans are born learning English, that's our native and original language. Being a dead langauage, as in Latin, means that nobody is born learning Latin anymore therfore Latin is now a dead langauge and nobody is expanding upon it.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

There's a country named Greece. It's in Europe. They speak Greek there. :D

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βˆ™ 12y ago

A dead language is a language which no longer has any native speakers. Latin is a "dead language" because no one speaks it as their primary or native language any more.

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Is greek a dead language?

Ancient Greek is a dead language which means it is not spoken as a common everyday language for people to communicate with. However modern Greek is still spoken in Grease and some parts of Italy.

Can anyone think of a dead foreign language?

Latin is a dead foreign language along with Ancient Greek.

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Latin is the dead language that gave us many prefixes in English. Many English prefixes come from Latin roots and have been adopted into the language to create new words and expand vocabulary.

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The Dead Sea Scrolls Were discovered in eleven caves near the Dead Sea, between 1947 and 1956. The main language of the Scrolls was Hebrew, but there are many written in Aramaic and a few written in Greek.

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Ancient Greek was declared a dead language by a king who decided that the language's perfection should not be sullied and altered by everyday usage as other languages change through use. Thus people could read and learn it, but were generally forbidden creating new Ancient Greek works and speaking it in an everyday fashion.

What language were the Dead sea scrolls written in?

The Dead Sea Scrolls Were discovered in eleven caves near the Dead Sea, between 1947 and 1956. The main language of the Scrolls was Hebrew, but there are many written in Aramaic and a few written in Greek.

What is Greece's official language?

There is one OFFICIAL language... Greek. But there are fourteen languages spoken (signed, in the case of GSL) in Greece today: Living: (12 Listed) Albanian (Arvanitika) Albanian (Tosk) Bulgarian Greek Greek Sign Language Pontic Romanian (Balkan) Romanian (Macedo) Romanian (Megleno) Romano-Greek Slavic Turkish Dead: Greek (Ancient) Cappadocian Greek Sources:

What was the language used to write the the Dead Sea Scrolls?

Most of the scrolls were written in Hebrew and Aramaic. There are also a few in Greek.

Is Greek a language?

Greece is the country. Greek is the language.

What language was used in Sparta?

The language spoken in Sparta was Doric Greek. It was a dialect of the Greek language that differed from the Attic Greek spoken in Athens.

What came first the Arabic language or the greek language?
