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Q: Why In 150-200 words analyze how the Meiji Restoration was similar and different from the changes instituted by Otto von Bismarck in Germany.?
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How then Meiji restoration was similar and different from the Changes intuituted by Otto Von Bismarck in Germany?

Meji Restoration was similar to the growth of Germany by Otto Von Bismarck because both Germany and Japan strike for economic success and industrial prosperity. Bismarck made Germany into one of the greatest country of the time by promoting industries and catching up with the growth of other world power such as Great Britain. Germany built many ships and tries to gain colonies all over the world. One example is when Bismarck planned with other European nations to take part of Africa. Japan on the other hand also promoted industries. Japanese would sail out and look for land to occupy and use its resources. Both Germany and Japan were successful in becoming a powerful nation in a short period of time.

What was Bismarck's title in Germany?

Bismarck's title in Germany was Chancellor (Reichskanzler).

Who did the Bismarck belong to?

I THINK thye bismarck belongs to Germany

How did Germany become an industrial giant in the late 1800?

because Otto Von Bismarck was helping Germany to become the industraial giant. because Otto Von Bismarck was helping Germany to become the industraial giant.

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What was Bismarck official title?

The Bismarck was one of a pair of Bismarck classbattleships (the other was the Tirpitz) it was named after Otto von Bismarck the first Chancellor of Germany. It was simply called the Bismarck.

The founder of modern Germany is?

Bismarck is the founder of modern Germany...

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Who unifed germany?

Otto von bismarck

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Bismarck encouraged war with Danmark, Austria and France to unite Germany

What was the name of the Iron Chancellor of Germany?

Otto Eduard Leopold von Bismarck-Schönhausen, generally known as Otto von Bismarck or just Bismarck.