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Q: Why Gupta Period is known as Golden Era in detail?
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Which period is known as the golden period in Indian history?

Gupta's period.

Whose period was known as the golden age in ancient INDIA?

Gupta Dynasty

Why was the period of gupta rule known as a golden age in Indian historty?

golden age

Why Gupta period is known as the golden age?

as the developments which took place during this period were tremendous. the rulers have brought a new look to india

Why is the period of the Gupta empire referred as the golden age of age?

Gupta period was known as golden age of India because many devlopments took place during these years .art and artitecture and many important buildings and temples were also made.India was rich during that period and that attracted many countries towards India.

Why have some historians called the Gupta's period a stone age?

Some historians have referred to the Gupta period as a "Golden Age" rather than a stone age. This is because the Gupta dynasty was known for its advancements in art, science, literature, and philosophy, as well as for fostering a period of peace and prosperity in ancient India. The Gupta period is also noted for its significant contributions to mathematics, with the concept of zero being developed during this time.

Why is the period of the Gupta Empire referred to as the Golden Age of?

Gupta period was known as golden age of India because many devlopments took place during these years .art and artitecture and many important buildings and temples were also made.India was rich during that period and that attracted many countries towards India.

Why is gupta period known as the golden period in Indian history?

The reasons are:Judicial System was very good.Trade and agriculture was encouraged and supported by government.Under Gupta kings, the whole India was united.

Which Indian empire was known as a golden age?

Its called the Gupta Empire

Why is the period during the Gupta Empire known as the golden age?

It was known as the Golden Age, because it was marked by several inventions and discoveries in science, technology, engineering, art, dialectic, literature, logic, mathematics, astronomy, religion and philosophy that originated from what is generally known as Hindu culture. Also, the Gupta Empire existed approximately from 320 to 550 CE and covered most of the Indian subcontinent.

The gupta empire was best known for its?

golden age of achievements in the arts and sciences

The gupta dynasty is best know for its?

The Gupat Dynasty is best known for its. Golden age of achievements in the arts and science.