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Because, after the release of the Emancipation Proclamation, the British public opinion would not have tolerated neither a recognizing of a State which owned slaves nor a military support in its favour.

Indeed the last blow, which finally led Great Britain Government to give up any intention related to, was given by Lee's decisive defeat at Gettysburg, which demonstrated that the Confederacy was unable to beat the Union.

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Q: Why Britain finally decided against intervention on behalf of the confederacy?
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What was the number of Federal naval officers that decided to join the Confederacy?

The exact number of the Federal naval officers that decided to join the Confederacy is not known.

Who decided Britain was at war?

winston churchill

Why was the Spanish Armada sent against Britain?

Conflicts in the New World infuriated the Spanish, and they decided to send the fleet of ships to attack and invade England.

Why did Great Britain enact the sugar act the stamp act the declaratory act and the Townshend acts and why did the colonists oppose these?

because after the french and Indian war Britain was in mayor debt so they decided that the colonies were a subject to Britain since they enjoyed Britain's proteccions therefore they decided to tax them or gain money by taxing the colonies so they could pay their debt. it was really unfair but after the colonies protested against taxation without representation and since William pitt of parliament agreed with them the stamp act was repealed or taken away.

Why did the South expect Britain to support it in the Civil War?

The South assumed, erroneously, that the dependence of the British and French textile industries on Southern cotton would cause their governments to support the Confederacy. The South even tried to embargo the export of cotton to underline the importance of their product to Britain and France. The embargo backfired because both the British and French decided to develop alternative sources. E.G. The South assumed, erroneously, that the dependence of the British and French textile industries on Southern cotton would cause their governments to support the Confederacy. The South even tried to embargo the export of cotton to underline the importance of their product to Britain and France. The embargo backfired because both the British and French decided to develop alternative sources. E.G. Second response. Regardless of of "formal" support, France and England helped the South with shipbuilding and arms production.

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What was the number of Federal naval officers that decided to join the Confederacy?

The exact number of the Federal naval officers that decided to join the Confederacy is not known.

Was Robert E. Lee a citizen of the union or the confederacy?

He was on the Union side but then, when war came, he decided to go to the Confederacy because he didn't want to fight against the place he called home. He didn't even want war in the first place!

Who did Britain have a war with in World War 1?

Great Britain fought against Austria-Hungary and Germany. Italy was going to join the Triple Alliance before the war but decided to stay neutral.

What two countries decided to withhold recognition of the confederacy?

England and France did not give formal recognition to the Confederacy as an independent country. This however, did not prevent them to trade with the South, build warships and supply the South with ammunitions and weapons. The South was a de facto nation, without being formally recognized by France and Great Britain.

What is a sentence for intervention?

1. The intervention of the teachers caused the students not to fight. 2. Michael was angered by his parent's intervention in his weekend plans. 3. Bobby's game playing was getting out of hand so his parents decided that he needed an intervention.

What did the second continental congress do to formally declare to the colonies free from Great Britain?

They decided to completely break away from Great Britain.

Who decided Britain was at war 1939?


Who decided Britain was at war?

winston churchill

Did the french and English support the confederacy during the civil war?

The French and the English did not support the Confederacy during the Civil War. Instead, the countries decided to support the Union.

What is a patriot soldier?

patriot is a person who were against the Brittish rules and wanted independence from Britain. so the patriots decided to join the war so they are called patriot soldiers,

A sentence using the word intervention?

1. The intervention of the teachers caused the students not to fight. 2. Michael was angered by his parent's intervention in his weekend plans. 3. Bobby's game playing was getting out of hand so his parents decided that he needed an intervention.

Why did the south assume France and Britain would back the confederacy?

The South assumed, erroneously, that the dependence of the British and French textile industries on Southern cotton would cause their governments to support the Confederacy. The South even tried to embargo the export of cotton to underline the importance of their product to Britain and France. The embargo backfired because both the British and French decided to develop alternative sources. E.G. The South assumed, erroneously, that the dependence of the British and French textile industries on Southern cotton would cause their governments to support the Confederacy. The South even tried to embargo the export of cotton to underline the importance of their product to Britain and France. The embargo backfired because both the British and French decided to develop alternative sources. E.G. Second response. Regardless of of "formal" support, France and England helped the South with shipbuilding and arms production.