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Hamilton (federalist) believed those who were rich and educated should rule and those who weren't, were unqualified. Unlike Jefferson, Hamilton and other federalist believed there government should be like Britain, which was too close to monarchy even though they have been fighting for freedom and feared that they would fall into the same problem they had with King George from the beginning.

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Q: Why According to the federalists the best form of government was one in which decisions were made by?
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Were federalist in favor of a federal government?

Yes Federalists supported a large government while Anti-Federalists favored a smaller more local government The debate between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists wasn't about "big" vs "small" government, it was about WHERE government should be. That is, generally speaking, Anti-Federalists were for very big (i.e. lots of power) governments at the state and local levels, with a minimal federal government, while Federalists favored a strong, complex, and thus much larger, federal government, with state governments having much less power.

What was one difference beween the ani-federalists and the federalists?

The Anti-Federalists opposed the new U.S. Constitution for numerous reasons. They distrusted large, powerful national governments and believed liberty could only be protected in small republics in which the rulers were closely checked by the public. They believed a large nation could best be governed by a confederation, with local governments having the most control. Federalists favored a strong national government with supreme power over state governments. Leaving too much power in the hands of the states would only create another confederacy type of government with little power to act. The rights of citizens would be protected from the government via legislation, the courts, and the Bill of Rights. Federalists distrusted the masses to select the best candidates so they made only the House of Representatives directly elected by the people.

What answer best describes why the Federalists were worried about the Constitution?

The Federalists were not worried about the Constitution; they were its chief supporters.

Who won anti federalists or federalists?

BEST ANSWERthe winner is obamaeven though mccain is my voter lol the anti federaist they got their Bill of Rights and mccain is my voter too

Who was an important federalist in us history?

Actually, the Federalists were very important to early US history: they believed in a strong central government and they believed in the importance of the Constitution. Among the best known Federalists were John Adams (who became our second president), John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison.

Related questions

According to the federalists the best form of government came when who was making the decisions?

George Washington yo()--8

The federalists believe that the best form of government is where decisions are made by who?

federal government

What was the best form of government according to Federalists?

The Federalists believed that the best form of government was a government divided between the state and national levels, with a strong central (national) government. This is the system we have used since the Constitution was written and ratified.

What were the views of Federalists and Anti-Federalists on the type of government that would be best for the new nation?


What is a federalist form of government?

Central power and less authorities

What were the Federalists for?

Federalists believed that the country should be ruled by "the best people"-educated, wealthy, public-spirited men like themselves. Federalists favored a strong national government, with power to those who where wealthy and well-educated.

Favored ratification of the constitution and favored a strong national government?

You would probably be best served to look up a list of prominent Federalists. The Federalists were almost always supporters of the Constitution, and always supporters of "big government" (a strong federal control over the States). Here are a few big names: •Washington (1st President) •Adams (2nd President) •Hamilton (Washington's cabinet)

How are federalists and anti federalists alike?

i was wondering the. They believe they know whats best for the people.

Were federalist in favor of a federal government?

Yes Federalists supported a large government while Anti-Federalists favored a smaller more local government The debate between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists wasn't about "big" vs "small" government, it was about WHERE government should be. That is, generally speaking, Anti-Federalists were for very big (i.e. lots of power) governments at the state and local levels, with a minimal federal government, while Federalists favored a strong, complex, and thus much larger, federal government, with state governments having much less power.

What did Aristotle and Plato believe was the best form of government?

Aristotle believed a democracy was the best form of government ruled by the middle class. Plato did not believe average people were intelligent enough to make decisions about government.

The government can meet your needs best if you make well-informed decisions when you vote?

true! (true/false)

How did the Federalists think the Constitution should be interpreted?

During the Founding Period of American History and in the years that initially followed, the Federalists consistently interpreted the Constitution in a 'robustly federalistic' manner. That is, they saw it as providing for a very active and responsible federal American government, whether in respect to its judicial, legislative, or executive branches and their various functions.