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Q: Whose teachings was the Russian Revolution of 1917 based on?
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On whose teachings did Han rulers base their policies?

Han rulers based their policies on the teachings of Confucius. His teachings were also to be followed in their private lives.

Whose teaching is Christianity based on?

The teachings of Jesus Christ, hence the name.

Who promoted world revolution based on the Russian model?

Vladimir Lenin

What was the role of England during Russian revolution?

England had quite the impact on a revolution that took place quite a distance from their borders. England's role in the Russian revolution was family based. The English King George was cousins with the Russian Czar Nicholas II.

Whose teachings influenced Han rulers?

Han emperors based their rule on the teaching of Confucius.

On what revolution is Animal Farm story mainly based on?

Animal Farm is based on the Russian Revolution of 1917, which ended the reign of tsars and began communism in Russia

Animal Farm was based on what historic happening?

It was based on the Russian Revolution in 1917. If you look up Animal Farm parallels, then you will see how each character or symbol in the novel represents something related to the revolution.

Whose teachings were the zhou's laws based on?

The Zhou's laws were primarily based on teachings from Confucianism, which emphasized social harmony through moral and ethical behavior, hierarchy, and filial piety. These laws aimed to govern relationships within society and maintain order and stability.

What is based on the the teachings of a man named mahavira?

was based on the teachings a man named Mahvira

Whose teachings is Islam based on?

Islam is based on:Quran, Muslims holy book, that is real God words revealed to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through angel Gabriel (Jibril), andProphet Muhammad (PBUH) Sunnah, that is his sayings and practices.

What character in Animal Farm represents George Washington?

None. Animal Farm is a story of satire based off of the Russian revolution of Stalin and trotsky.