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It's actually everybody's job to protect what trees we have left.

People who actively protect trees are called forest defenders, or more specifically, tree sitters.

More than individual trees, we have to be considerate of complete ecosystems and migration corridors.

Certain animals require old growth trees to live. The marbled murrelet needs the wide braches of ancient trees to stand on as they have webbed feet.

The red tree vole, also endangered, lives in old growth redwood and Douglas fir forest.

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What does the name Granger mean?

The fine English surname of Granger originated as an occupational name for a farm bailiff, whose job was collecting farm rents. It is first found around 1100 A.D. in the records of Norfolk.

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What do the peasants use for defence?

They really didn't have much, but that is what the lord of the manor or estates was for. His job was to protect the people who worked for him. Nobility's job was to protect and provide justice . The peasant paid for this protection through rents and taxes on the things he used and needed. When something happened to went to the lord on whose lands he worked to seek justice or protection from the dangers of the time. Actually, in many cases he became part of the army that protected him and his tools were turned into weapons.

My job was to protect the roman emperor. who am i?

You were/are a member of the Praetorian Guard.

What is a Job Name?

a job name is a thing like if u work at TACO BELL that is a job name

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