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It was the Wilmot Proviso that declared that there should be no slavery in the new states. This gained support in Congress, and by 1860 most Northerners agreed with it, while tolerating slavery in its traditional heartlands. That was how Lincoln got elected.

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Q: Whose goal was it to ban slavery in western territories?
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A group whose main goal was to keep slavery out of the western territories?

free soil party i think

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Which statement best reflects the main goal of the free-soil party?

They didn't want let let slavery spread to the western territories

What was the main goal if the Free Soil Party?

To stop the spread of slavery

What was the goal of the free-soil party?

The goal of the Free Soil Party was to oppose the expansion of slavery into the western territories of the United States. They believed that allowing slavery to spread would undermine the economic opportunities of white workers and limit access to free land. They sought to protect the rights of white laborers and ensure that new territories remained free from slavery.

What was the main goal of the free soil party?

Its main purpose was to oppose the expansion of slavery in the western territories, with the argument that free men in free soil make up a system morally and economically superior to that of slavery.

Which statement best summarizes the Free-soil party's view of slavery?

The Free-Soil Party opposed the expansion of slavery into new territories. They believed that slavery undermined the economic opportunities of white workers and free laborers by creating unfair competition. Their goal was to prevent the spread of slavery and protect the rights of free individuals.

What was the main goal of free-soil party?

The main goal of the Free-Soil Party was to oppose the expansion of slavery into the newly acquired western territories of the United States. Members of the party believed that allowing slavery to spread would limit opportunities for free labor and further entrench the institution.

Was the main goal of free soil party?

The party leadership consisted of former anti-slavery members of the Whig Party and the Democratic Party. Its main purpose was opposing the expansion of slavery into the western territories, arguing that free men on free soil comprised a morally and economically superior system to slavery.

What was the political party that wanted to stop slavery?

The Republican Party was the political party that emerged in the 1850s with the primary goal of stopping the spread of slavery. Led by figures such as Abraham Lincoln, the party opposed the expansion of slavery into the new western territories and eventually played a crucial role in the abolition of slavery during the Civil War.

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