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Q: Whose fault was it that the Mary Rose sank?
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What was the date when the Mary Rose sank?

the Mary rose sank in 1983

Was the Mary rose in the armada?

The Mary Rose sank in 1545, She was not pasrt of the Armada action which started in 1588 three years after the Mary Rose sank of Portsmouth during a French action

What sank the Mary rose?

the Spanish armada

Where was the Mary rose going when it sank?

to sea

Which battle was the Mary Rose ship sunk in?

the mary rose sank in the year of 1545.

Which ship sank of Portsmouth in 1545?

The Mary Rose

Did the Mary Rose sailors have Scurvy?

No none of the sailors on the Mary Rose had scurvy. Mary Rose sank on her maiden voyage and her crew were not at sea long enough to get it.

What Henry VIII's ships sank in the Thames?

Mary rose

What was the life of Mary rose?

Mary rose was one of the first ships and she was the firm favourite of king Henry VIII.The mary rose ship was built between 1509 and 1511 and aftera long time she sank accidently during the french fleet in 1545.Henry VIIIs flagship mary rose sank by the french cannonball .

How many people survived when the Mary rose sank?

Eight, 'obviously'

What can historians find out by looking at the remains of The Mary Rose?

Why it sank, I would imagine.

How many people were onboard the Mary rose when it sank?

415 people where onboard