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You put your own address at the top. You do this so that way not only does the person you are sending the letter to know who it is, but also the postal service so they know who to send it back to if the receiver no longer is at that address. (Assuming the receiver's forwarding as expired...)

You do it like this (in the top right):

Your Name

Your address


John SmitherDoe

112233 Fake Address Drive,

Somewhere, NY, 00000

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Q: Whose address do you put at the top right of a friendly letter?
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What is proper addressing on a friendly letter envelope?

You put your stamp on the top right corner. If you have address labels, you should put your address label on the top left corner. To make the letter seem friendly you should put fun, cut stickers on the back of the envelope. Oh, and the stamp and address label go on the back of the envelope too!

Where does the heading go on a friendly letter?

Top right

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When you are writing a letter, the closing is what usually appears right before your signature. In a friendly letter the closing can be something such as, "fondly," or "your friend."

What should you right at the top of a letter apart from your address?

Top left: your name and address Top right: the stamp Middle, middle: address of the person/corporation you're sending the letter to

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on the right hand side

Where does the date go on a friendly letter?

people usually put the date on a letter on the very first line on your right hand side.

How do you address countess in a letter?

In the address line: The Right Honourable the Countess of (whichever district she is Countess of) In the letter body: Madam or Dear Lady (name of her district)

In a business letter where does the address of the other person go?

Right above the salutation.

Where is the date place in a letter?

The date is typically placed at the top right corner of a letter, below your address and contact information. It should be written in full, including the month, day, and year.

What does a formal letter look like?

A formal letter has the sender's address and the date in the upper right corner, unless it is written on letterhead. Below that, on the left side, it has the recipient's address.

Where do addresses go on a formal letter?

Usually your address goes on the right hand side.

How do you put an address in the top right hand corner on a letter?

no,it goes in the middle but if it is a return address then it goes in the left hand corner