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Socrates' pupil, Plato, is attributed with recording his teachings and beliefs.

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Q: Who wrote down the thoughts of Socrates?
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Who was a greek philosopher who was a student of Socrates and wrote down all Socrates ideas?


Who wrote the dialogues' of socrates?

Plato wrote down the dialogues of Socrates. Plato was a student of Socrates and his dialogues, such as "The Republic" and "The Symposium," are some of the most famous works in Western philosophy.

What is the relationship between socrates and Plato?

Socrates was the teacher of Plato. Plato was a student of Socrates and later became his most famous disciple. Plato recorded Socrates' teachings and dialogues in his writings, which significantly influenced his own philosophical ideas.

Who wrote the book Socrates in Love?

Kyoichi Katayama wrote the book socrates in love

A famous Greek philosopher who was a student of Socrates and wrote down all of Socrates ideas he found the worlds first university called the academy?

The Greek philosopher you are referring to is Plato. He was a student of Socrates and is known for founding the Academy, considered one of the first institutions of higher learning in the Western world. Plato also wrote down many of Socrates' teachings in the form of dialogues.

Who wrote Socrates?

"The Socrates Dialogues" was written by Xenophon and Plato. They were written accounts of discussions that they had with Socrates himself.

Socrates ideas was passed through the work of who?

Socrates' ideas were passed down through the work of his student Plato, who wrote dialogues featuring Socrates as the main character. These dialogues, such as "The Republic" and "The Apology," captured and preserved Socrates' philosophical teachings and his method of questioning.

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What student of Socrates who wrote the Republic?

Plato was a student of Socrates who wrote the Republic, a dialogue exploring the nature of justice, government, and the ideal state.

Where do you get most of your info on Socrates?

From the documents that he wrote.

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plato to socrates