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Great Britain as its armed forces ARE the best trained in the world. however China does have numerical superiority. Britain wouldn't invade china as that would be stupidity so china would have to attempt to invade Britain. this would not work either as they would have to send a fleet over to Britain and destroy its navy, which they probably could; however they would also need air superiority. The RAF would then have 3 main advantages:

  1. Better pilots
  2. Home ground
  3. can stay in the air longer

This means that the British can use their home ground to locate enemy attack forces much like in WWII. Also AA batteries can be located on the ground to eliminate enemy aircraft. With out air superiority china must call off the invasion or launch an amphibious assault. the amphibious assault would fail as no matter how many men their are they will not be able to resist constant artillery and air strikes coupled with a much better trained force in emplacements on the high ground. even if they do make it off the beaches their assault force will be way to battered to continue inland. This means that china will have to attempt to siege Britain much like Hitler did in WWII. This would be their best chance. however history has constantly proven that the British people do tend to come together rather well in hard times so I'm sure they could make it through by growing their own food, most likely using intensive methods as that would give the best yield. Finding Britain to tough a nut to crack china would have to sue for peace. War won.

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Britain and China have fought wars before, most recently in the Korean War of 1950-53. Earlier, Britain fought and won colonial wars against China. However, China is a much more formidable country now and like Britain has a nuclear weapons arsenal. It is difficult to predict who would win, but neither country has the capability to invade and occupy the other.

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China, larger military force by FAR. 1 billion people compared to the UK's 60 million.

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