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The nuclear arms race is sen as a metaphor, and can only be won when one country or power will control the power of the people, due to nuclear weapons.

No arms race is ever won; they either result in an actual war (which might be won or lost) or a stalemate of some kind and disarmament.

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Originally, the US, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union. Later France, China, India, and North Korea. Iran has been building towards a nuclear weapon, but there is little public information on the state of completion. Iraq under Sadam Hussein did have a building program that was stopped. During WW 2 Germany had an atomic weapons program that never produced a working atomic weapon. It is generally thought that Isreal has nuclear weapons- but it has not been publicy confirmed.

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Q: Who won the Nuclear Arms Race?
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The nuclear arms race was the core of the cold war.

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The hydrogen bomb was the main factor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wrong! The nuclear arms race began in 1939 when nuclear fission was discovered. The race was between Germany, England, and the USSR (using information from spies in the English program). By the time the US entered the nuclear arms race England merged their project with the US Manhattan Project, Germany had withdrawn (nobody else knew this) limiting their project to prototype nuclear reactors only with the goal of nuclear power plants after Germany won the war. So long before the first use of nuclear weapons, ending WW2 the nuclear arms race between the US and USSR was already well in place.

What were the main features of the nuclear arms?

Nuclear arms race was where Cold War was going with the belief that the more nuclear weapons you had, the more powerful you were

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The end of everything.

What do you think is meant arms race?

'Arms race' was the 'race' between America and Soviet Russia to develop as many nuclear weapons as possible.

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What ended the arms race?

The Arms Race ended with the end of the cold war and the breakup of the USSR. The nuclear arms race came about during the Cold War.

Who was the president when the nuclear arms race started?

Truman, in 1949.

Which technology was a product of the arms race following World War 2?

its the dang atomic bomb

Why was the arms race dangerous?

The arms race was dangerous because neither the Soviet Union or the U.S could protect its people from a nuclear attack.