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1994 The prize was awarded joinly to: YASSER ARAFAT , Chairman of the Executive Committee of the PLO, President of the Palestinian National Authority. SHIMON PERES , Foreign Minister of Israel. YITZHAK RABIN , Prime Minister of Israel. for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East.

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Q: Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1968?
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Rene Cassin won The Nobel Peace Prize in 1968.

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Lars Onsager won The Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1968.

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Yasunari Kawabata won The Nobel Prize in Literature in 1968.

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Menachem Begin won The Nobel Peace Prize in 1978.

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Luis Walter Alvarez won The Nobel Prize in Physics in 1968.

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There is no such award as the science Nobel Peace prize.

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Albert Einstein never won the Nobel Peace Prize; he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

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No organization won the Nobel peace prize, or indeed any Nobel prize, that often.

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The only individual to have won both a Nobel Prize in Chemistry and a Nobel Peace Prize is Linus Pauling. He won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954 for his research on the nature of the chemical bond, and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1962 for his efforts to promote nuclear disarmament.