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The Union won this battle.

This topic is greatly debated among historians even until today as to who the Victor of Gettysburg was. Now the common answer is that the Union army of the Potomac commanded by Maj. Gen. George Gordon Meade had won the battle simply because Gen. Robert E. Lee decided to retreat, but when the battle is analyzed, it clearly states that General Lee was the victor. On July 1st he had successfully destroyed 2 corps the union I and VI, and although he didn't hold the high ground, he still none the less pushed back the union army. On July 2nd the damage he caused to the Union line was devastating. His relentless attack on the union left had put Meade in a tight situation, that caused him to have to remove troops from other positions to aide the gaping holes punched in the union line, and once again; even though Lee did not hold the high ground, he had once again virtually destroyed nearly 2 more corps. Now on July 3rd General Lee cannot be declared the victor. His fruitless attack on the Union Center had cost the south some of it's best soldiers and commanders. This attack left Lee devastated and he was forced to retreat, only because his manpower was dwindling and because other necessary supplies for his army had too dwindled. So General Meade of the Union Army was declared the winner of the Battle of Gettysburg.

Another way of viewing the victory and defeat question is by examining which side completed its objectives. The southern Army was tasked with breaking through the Union lines and surrounding or capturing Washington. This would have almost certainly led to recognition of the Confederacy by England and France and would have forced an end to the war. They did not accomplish this goal. The Union was tasked with stopping the southern Army and breaking its ability to conduct the war. They were able to stop the southern advance, but the defensive posture taken by the Union Army left it unable to stop the retreat of the Confederate forces. Although the Confederacy was unbroken, it was damaged sufficiently to never again be able to mount a major attack. Thus the Union goals were partially met. The Union forces which were badly hurt in the battle were replenished with new recruits and equipment over the following months, while the South lost far more people than it could replace. So again, in this analysis, the Union won a partial victory, while the Confederacy failed in its objectives.

the south but they also lost because stonewall was killed at that battle.
The Union won the two first days at the Battle of Little Round Top and the Cemetery Ridge Battle, but it is still unclear who was the clear victor. The South left the North's territory, but the North said they didn't win because of the amount of casualties
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7y ago

The Union Army under General George Gordon Meade defeated the Confederate Army of General Robert E. Lee in the Battle of Gettysburg. Lee and his Army of Northern Virginia was forced to retreat back to Virginia. This was the largest battle of the war and was fought over a three day period.

This battle in Gettysburg, was the deepest Rebel penetration into the North. From that point forward, only minor Southern raids were made in the Eastern Theater.

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8y ago

The general commanding the Union Army of the Potomac George G. Meade, won at Gettysburg.

Another general and a colonel "saved the battle" for the Union. One was General G. K. Warren who discovered the Round Tops were vacant and recognized the peril the Union line would be in if the Confederates were able to post troops and cannon on them. The other was Colonel Joshua Chamberlain of the 20th Maine Volunteer Infantry. They anchored the line on Little Round Top and resisted numerous attempts to dislodge them.

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15y ago

The Union Army won and this battle marked a major turning point in the War.

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13y ago

The north did! ended on July 3rd, 1863

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10y ago

The Union forces won the US Civil War. By the end of April 1865, 99% of all Confederate forces had surrendered.

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12y ago

The union (north)

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14y ago

The Union won

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12y ago

The Union scored a decisive victory.

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Q: Who won the Gettysburg civil war fight?
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The bloodiest battle of the civil war was The Battle of Gettysburg...wich the union/North won

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The Union won the Battle of Gettysburg witch is know as the bloodies battle in the Civil War history.

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No, they won every war ever sense the Gettysburg battle.

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Gettysburg, won by the Army of the Potomac under the newly-promotedGeorge Meade.

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some of the impotant battles are Gettysburg,Shiolh and chanceesburg

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It didn't supposedly "stop" the civil war, but it was a major battle that really was a huge part of why the Union won, so technically, it might have kind of "stopped" the Civil War.

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Gettysburg was won on July 3rd 1863 and the Union won

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Lincoln made the Gettysburg Address because he wanted all male slaves in the confendacry to fight in the Union because of this the Union won and now dont have slaves in the usa (just to tell you there were other reasons how the Union won the Civil war