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Military historians remain in conflict but, General Kearney certainly had more casualties than Andres Pico commanding the Californios. Neither side lost the ability to fight and to maneuver.

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Q: Who won the Battle of San Pasqual in the Mexican American War?
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What is the Battle of San Antonio?

No Mexican American War battle took place in San Antonio.

How many battles did the US lose in the Mexican-American War?

The opening battle called the Thornton Affair was a Mexican Army victory.The Siege of Los Angeles of 22 to 30 September 1846 was a Mexican victory.The Battle of Chino on 26 and 27 September was a Mexican victory.The Battle of Domingues Rancho was a Mexican victory.The Battle of San Pasqual was a defeat for General Kearny.The First Battle of Mora on 24 January 1847 was a New Mexican Militia victory.The Mexican victories cited above were what can be called a "Hollow Victory" in almost every instance. The Battle of San Pasqual could have been a major disaster in that while small in numbers it did include General Stephen Watts Kearny and his loss to the Mexican Lancers would have been a disaster. They managed to get into San Diego.The First Battle of Mora had a single US casualty (Captain Israel Hendley) and three wounded, the New Mexicans lost 25 killed and an unknown number of wounded, but the Americans withdrew because you just don't attempt to take a fort without artillery support. A week later they were back with a stronger force including two howitzers, took the fort, burned down the town, burned their crops and took 17 prisoners. The small victory by the New Mexicans was a short lived victory that was turned into a military scorched earth disaster.

Battle Texas won against Mexican government in 1836?

Battle of San Jacinto.

Where was the Mexican American War mostly fought?

Most of the fighting took place in present day Mexico. Some fighting occurred on the borders of current day Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. One famous battle occurred in San Pasqual (San Diego County, CA) in 1846. The Battle of San Pasqual involved General Stephen Watts Kearny in command of US Army Dragoons (today's Mechanized Infantry), Kit Carson, Lieutenant Edward F. Beale (US Navy), and Lieutenant Gillispie (US Marine Corps). The US Army lost 22 men killed in action. California Lancer losses were reported as wounded only. The battle was officially recorded as a US Army victory, because the Californians departed the field of battle. However, if losses are to be considered, if was a California Lancer victory.

When was the Battle of San Patricio?

The Battle of San Patricio was a battle fought on February 27, 1836, between the troops of Republic of Mexico and the rebelling Mexican state of Texas.

Related questions

When was the Battle of San Pasqual fought in the Mexican American War?

On 6 December 1846.

Who were the commanders at the Mexican American Battle of San Pasqual?

General Stephen Kearmy and Governor Andres Pico.

When did Battle of San Pasqual happen?

Battle of San Pasqual happened on 1846-12-06.

What decided the Battle of San Pasqual in the Mexican American War?

The US forces were riding the slower and less maneuverable mule after an 850 miles march and the Mexicans all had fresh horses.

What are Mexico famous battle?

Battle of San Pasqual, California

What battle of the Mexican American War took place in San Antonio Texas?

No Mexican American War battle was fought in San Antonio.

What battle of the Mexican-American war took place in San Antonio?

No Mexican American War battle took place in San Antonio.

What is the Battle of San Antonio?

No Mexican American War battle took place in San Antonio.

When was San Pasqual Handicap created?

San Pasqual Handicap was created in 1935.

What did the battle of san gabriel accomplish?

The battle of San Gabriel saw the United States forces finally secure California. The battle was part of the Mexican American war.Ê

What 2 groups were involved in the battle of San Jacinto?

the Mexican army and the American army.

What happened at san jacinto?

The battle of San Jacinto was an important battle in the Mexican American War. The surprise attack by the Americans allowed them to take Santa Ana.