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General Information

It is unclear who won the war on the Egyptian-Israeli front. The United States, Western Countries, and Israel typically hold it to be an Israeli victory. The Arab Countries, including Egypt, typically hold it to be an Egyptian victory.

Considering that the reason that the Arabs declared war on Israel in 1973 was to conquer Israel or at least recover the lands lost in the Six-Day War of 1967, it can be considered a failure for the Egyptians and Syrians, as neither of those objectives was met, even partially. However, the Arabs did regain a sense of honor and prestige in that they caused a number of major Israeli defeats early in the war when they were caught off-guard. In Israel, these are seen as failures in the Israeli Intelligence Ministry. However, the War ended with a ceasefire restoring pre-bellum conditions, which is more-or-less of a stalemate and the early armistice negotiations, Israelis had to make the first moves of withdrawal from African Egyptian territory.

Israeli Perspective

Assuming that the Israeli perspective is held, the Israelis note that the Egyptians called the armistice as Israeli soldiers were advancing on Cairo and that the Egyptian Third Army was cutoff and dependent on Israeli goodwill for food and basic supplies. The Egyptians counter saying that they were holding the powerful Egyptian Third Army on the east bank of the Suez Canal, primed to strike. They called the ceasefire to spare both sides more violence.

Egyptian Perspective

Assuming that the Egyptian perspective is held, the Egyptians won the war by calling the armistice at the right time and holding the powerful Egyptian Third Army on the east bank of the Suez Canal, primed to strike. The Israelis counter saying that the armistice was called as Israeli soldiers were advancing on Cairo and that the Egyptian Third Army was cutoff and dependent on Israeli goodwill for food and basic supplies.

Note on the Israeli-Syrian part of the war

In terms of the Syrian front, while there were small Syrian advances into the Golan, they were quickly turned back through strategic and decisive tank movements. There is no question that the Israelis won the Arab-Israeli War on the Syrian front, halting within 40 kilometers (25 miles) of the Syrian capital, Damascus.

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Q: Who won the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 - Egypt or Israel?
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What did Israel take from Egypt during the 1973 war what is it?

Israel did not take anything away from Egypt in the Arab-Israeli War of 1973. In the Arab-Israeli War of 1967, Israel took the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt.

What were the characteristics of the tanks used by Egypt and Israel in the 1973 war?

The US tanks used by Israel in the 1973 war with Egypt had greater size, thicker armor and smaller guns than the Soviet tanks used by Egypt.

Who won the war between Egypt and Israel?

There have been several, but Israel has been victorious in all of them. There is some question in Egypt as to whether Egypt or Israel won the War in 1973, but considering that the ceasefire was signed while Israeli soldiers were advancing, it would seem to be an Israeli victory. The debate on the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 is discussed more fully at the Related Question below: Who won the war between Egypt and Israel in 1973?

On what Jewish Holiday did Egypt launch a surprise attack on Israel?

Egypt launched a surprise attack on Israel on the Jewish Holiday of Yom Kippur in 1973, beginning the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 (also known as the Yom Kippur War, the Ramadan War, and the October War).

Who would win in a war between Egypt and Israel?

Unknown, but it is an unlikely scenario as Egypt and Israel buried the hatchet long ago. Previously, Egypt and Israel fought several wars, most notably the Yom Kippur War of 1973 when Egypt carried out a brilliant surprise attack on the Israeli-occupied Sinai Peninsula. Israel eventually drove Egypt back but at a very heavy cost. After Egypt and Israel made peace, the Sinai was ceded back to Egypt and the two countries have not fought since.

Related questions

What did Israel take from Egypt during the 1973 war what is it?

Israel did not take anything away from Egypt in the Arab-Israeli War of 1973. In the Arab-Israeli War of 1967, Israel took the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt.

How did the 1973 war with egypt and israel start?

Egypt and Syria launched a surprise invasion of Israel.

What were the characteristics of the tanks used by Egypt and Israel in the 1973 war?

The US tanks used by Israel in the 1973 war with Egypt had greater size, thicker armor and smaller guns than the Soviet tanks used by Egypt.

Who won the war between Egypt and Israel?

There have been several, but Israel has been victorious in all of them. There is some question in Egypt as to whether Egypt or Israel won the War in 1973, but considering that the ceasefire was signed while Israeli soldiers were advancing, it would seem to be an Israeli victory. The debate on the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 is discussed more fully at the Related Question below: Who won the war between Egypt and Israel in 1973?

The Yom Kippur War in 1973 occurred when Egypt and Syria attacked which country?


What country started the Arab-Israeli War of 1973?

Egypt and Syria invaded Israel on October 6, 1973.

On what Jewish Holiday did Egypt launch a surprise attack on Israel?

Egypt launched a surprise attack on Israel on the Jewish Holiday of Yom Kippur in 1973, beginning the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 (also known as the Yom Kippur War, the Ramadan War, and the October War).

What nation provided most of the weapons that Egypt used in the 1973 Israeli-Arab war?

The USSR provided most of the weapons that Egypt used in the 1973 Israeli Egyptian war in 1973. The US provided the weapons for Israel.

Has Egypt been in any conflicts recently?

The last war that Egypt was in was the October War (also called the Ramadan War or Yom Kippur War) which it fought with Israel in 1973.

What is the name of the war when egypt attacked israel in 1973?

The Arab-Israeli War of 1973, the Yom Kippur War, the Ramadan War, or the October War. All four name the same war.

Who started the 4 major wars since 1948 between the Arabs and Israel?

The Arabs declared war against Israel in 1948 when Israel declared Independence Israel declared war against Egypt in 1956 after being cut off from the Suez Canal. Israel declared war against Egypt in 1967 when the Straits of Tiran were blockaded. Jordan and Syria declared war against Israel in retaliation for the attack on Egypt. Egypt and Syria declared war on Israel in 1973 as a surprise attack.

What day was it on the war of 1973 between Syria Egypt and Israel?

It was Yom Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, which corresponded to 6 October 1973.