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At present that would be Charles, Prince of Wales and eldest son of the queen. & apparrently he will become King George VII

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Prince Charles (Philip Arthur George) Windsor. He is the eldest child in the current monarch's (Elizabeth II) family.

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Q: Who will be the next monarch in England?
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Who or what is a monarch of England?

A monarch of England is a king or queen of England.

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England's new monarch is elizibeth she is smart well old now

What was the role of the monarch?

The role of a Tudor monarch was to preside over the government of England and to rule the kingdom. The monarch was expected to provide an heir to the throne of England.

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No, The reigning monarch can not choose the next monarch.

Was Isabella the first female monarch of england?

No. There has never been an English monarch named Isabella. Although there was a Queen Isabella, she was just the wife of the monarch. The first female monarch of England was Mary I.

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England is a monarchy, not a republic, so it has a monarch not a president. The current monarch is Queen Elizabeth II.

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The current monarch of England is Queen Elizabeth II....Her majesty Queen Elizabeth II, is the monarch of the United Kingdom - which includes England. Nowhere in her many titles does it specifically state that she is queen of England. She is specifically named as Queen of Australia, Canada, New Zealand etc., but not England.

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No, we have a Queen as a Monarch.

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William IV. He was monarch of all of Great Britain, not just England.